How can tell if dog is pregnant

What are the signs of a pregnant pitbull dog. She did bleed for a week and eats more. She also haves been stuck with a male during sex with him.

Answer #1

well usually their tities get bigger and sometimes they do eat more, but please spay your pit if shes not pregnant. their are so many homeless animals in America and we dont need any more unwanted puppies and even if they are wanted buy one from your local animal shelter

Answer #2

well first of al how long ago did they do it???

is she getting fatter>>>

is she getting breast???

well those are most signs??? and when she has the pupies keep away from dad

cause he will eat them

Answer #3

If you want to know if she is prego,, call your vet and see if they can palpate the babies and what stage can they do that at? This is just feeling by hand. Or you could do ultrasound, or x-ray, but all of these have to be done at a certain time!!! If you want more info, I suggest reading the group “for the love of dogs” or seeing if you can be invited, you will have so many questions if she is expecting and this group can help

Answer #4

you really won’t see a change right away, when they are about 6 weeks they will start to really not OVER feed your mamma, that will make the puppies bigger, and with that comes more risk of them getting stuck in the birth conal..some people over feed their pits cause they want big puppies, but this is NOT good. follow the vets directions..good luck, my mamma is due at x-mas time

Answer #5

Takes about 63-65 days for a dog to have puppies if shes bred, if the two mated when she was in heat then theres a good chance shes pregnant. Watch for weight gain and appetitie increase. Its a good idea to start feeding her dry puppy food if she is pregnant because it will help the growing pups inside. IM a registered vet tech so if you have any other questions feel free to ask

Answer #6

You do need to increase the mothers food, Ask your vet about it

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