how can I have chubby cheeks?

I want to add some flesh to my cheeks without putting on weight elsewhere…how do I do?

Answer #1

TO get chubby cheeks through by one of a medicine which will be prescribed in sidda.. defenitely you can notice the change. but if you lost your tooth you cannot get chubby cheeks because tooth have gravitational force that makes your cheeks gone deep inside. So try to preserve your tooth than remove it.

Answer #2

OMG! I have very chubby cheeks and I hate them… I don’t like to smile b/c it looks silly. Please be grateful for a thin face! I’ve been chipmunk… what are storing in those things? food for later? etc. girls are mean… the only way I cope is to keep in shape. I have an amazing body, but I will always have chipmunk cheeks. :(

Answer #3

I’m not sure that’s possible… Make-up is a good idea.

Answer #4

Most women who gain weight do so in their face first, however this doesn’t normally just involve the cheeks but also the chin, giving one the impression of “double chins” etc etc. Maybe if you want to give the illusion of fatter cheeks do soe research on makeup tips. Maybe go to the mall and have one of those makeup makeovers and tell them the look you are trying to achieve ?!

Answer #5

The only thing you could do is have fat pockets surgically put into your cheeks, but I’m guessing you don’t want to do that. The only other way yo get a fatter face is to gain weight, besides those to things, there’s absolutely nothing you can do, you got what you got. Besides, you say you want chubby cheeks, well, alot of people who do have chubby cheeks would kill to have a thin face like yours. Just live with it, there’s nothing wrong with having a thin face, it might fill out as you get older anyway.

Answer #6

my cheeks are very thin.I think my weight is perfect.I take enough fat how can I get chubby cheeks.

Answer #7

you don’t want chubby cheeks, trust me… you just want your cheeks to look bigger. Gain some jaw muscle for that. to gain muscle just eat hard to chew foods like steak, or the other way is to chew 4 or more sticks of gum. You’ll get toned looking cheeks after a few months and if you do it long enoug you might just get that look of brad pitts jaws.

Answer #8

my cheeks are very thin.I think my weight is perfect.I take enough fat how can I get chubby cheeks.

Answer #9

I heard this sumwhere but I heard if you drink half a liter a day for at least 3 monthes you would see changes…

im trying to right now but its only the 2nd week for me…

also eat a lot of peanut butter… and for not gaining weight seems hard but try to eat a banana every now and then…also try some vitamins so you wont be lacking in any nutrients…well thats all I gotta say good luck I hope you get the appearance you want…

and c you after 3 monthes

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