How can I get rid of this horrible thingg ?

I am thirteen years old and get a fishy odeer and a lot of discharge also I am very large aroung the vagina area I am to saqred to talk to my parents !! am I old enough to go to a ginaologist by my self / on my own !!! pleasee help its hass been bothering me for about to to three years and is really knoking my onfidence please reply ASAP xx thankk youu !! x

Answer #1

You are old enough to go on your own. You really shouldn’t be scared to talk to your parents about it, it sounds like bacterial vaginosis and is a VERY common thing that girls and women get.

Also what do you mean by large around the vagina? Do you mean you have a large labia (I.e. folds hanging down). That is normal and every girl’s vagina is different.

Answer #2

ahha you cant get rid of it you get it all though your life when you ovulate or if your like me just before you get your period for the first time. and every girl has this is should not lower your confidence and there is no need to go to the ginacologist. hope this helps.xx p.s it will stop once and a while when your not ovulating.

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