How can computer help students?

How can computer helps the student?

Answer #1


I think computers can help students in many ways. Here are just a few.

#When choices are provided and experimentation allowed, individual learning styles and preferences can be accommodated and enhanced through the flexibility of the computer to interact with pictures, words, numbers, or any other medium the student is most comfortable with. The flexibility of the technology is the key concept. Different students find different word processors, graphics packages, databases, and spreadsheets more or less easy to use.

Structured experiences designed by well-trained teachers can help students use computers to develop strengths and overcome or neutralize weaknesses. Word processors do improve writing and expression of ideas. Databases can be as rigid or open as the student needs. Solving problems and answering questions are satisfying outcomes. Students grow in confidence as they build their repertoire of skills.

Computers can be used to match the student’s pace. They are patient and will hold on to an idea for a long time. They do more complex tasks when students are ready to use them in more complex ways. They provide information when the student is ready for it.

When students assume responsibility for the process they work smarter. Computers serve people. People define problems, set goals and objectives, and determine roles. The better students understand the learning process, the better they will use technology.

People learn from people. People are on the other end of the information and ideas accessed through a computer. Students have contact with these people via software, bulletin boards, or face to face in discussions and group projects. Students can meet a lot of smart people through computers.

Answer #2


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