How do I lose weight fast?

how do I lose weight as fast as possible I thought about being bulimic but I need answers I need to lose as much weight as I can in a month! please help me

Answer #1

go on a liquid-only diet

If you go on a liquid-only diet, you will never feel full. You’ll probably end up eating even more.

Eat healthy, and exercise. That’s the secret to losing weight, people.

Answer #2

hey im going through bulimia, and believe me its not something you want to try..Im dizzy often, and have trouble sleeping..there are other ways to loose weight just try excersizing like twice a day & eating small portions & healthy foods..hope I helped!

Answer #3

go on a liquid-only diet

Answer #4

I need to lose weight fast to but I dont want to harm my body because I am only 12 and I know I am still growing but what can I do ??

Answer #5

DO NOT… I REPEAT DO NOT! DO THE LAXITIVE THING. thats what gay insecure people do. work out… eat healthy… dont do the whole lets only drink soft drink role… drink about one a week… water water water!!! run a bit too… that will work i swear!!!

good luck…

ps… don’t do anything stupid that will end up hurthing you.

Answer #6

well u should do pilates. its like a workout and yoga put together. it really helps alot. u only have to do it for 10 min. a day. but what u eat is 80% of ur weight, so start keeping track of what u eat. instead of eating fast food or cookies or cake eat fruit almonds or organic cookies. now in days there are alot of health foods that are yummy.

Answer #7

i would love to know too, could somebody funmail me and let me kno how to lose weight fast

Answer #8

yeah be bULIMIC it made me lose 20lbs and I feel good now I wiegh 105!!!its took about 4 motnhs though and I added exersise

Answer #9

well Basically I know people may say just exercise and drink loads of water and all that but what if that dosent work I’ve done that and to me I still looked fat so just go on try it be bilimic its great lol

Answer #10

Look. Some people are going to tell you to be bulimiac. But you cant. It probably works. But I know that you know there are WAY healthier ways to lose weight. You need to cross that idea. Or any unsafe ideas out of your head!! Look I am going through some weight problems myself but I know, and I am denying it that excercise and eating right is the healthiest way. But if you really want to lose weight you should go to a docter. I know sounds silly. embarrsing. Well they could tell you healthy and officiant diet pills. So please do not do anything that could put your health in danger.

Answer #11

heyy.. what i am starting to do is i bought laxitive pills, i drink alot alot of water, i dont eat anything and if i do get hungry i munch on a carrot or some type of fruit or something. if u dont eat a whole a day and just drink water u will loose 2llbs… so its like 10lbs in a week which is soo awsome im striving be an anorexic cause i was bulimic b4 but i rather not eat then purge soo i hope this helped if not funmail me and i will think of something else 4 u …xox0

Answer #12

I want to be a bulimic .. it’s the only fastest way to be thin .. I think that I’m too fat .. I’m very tension right now .. !!

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