House to protect your house

What can you do to better protect your house from being broken into?

Answer #1

Well, all the locks, alarms,etc is not going to 100% keep your house from being broken into. The best thing to do is get dead bolt locks which are harder to pick than just regular locks. If you doors have glass in them you could replace the doors with solid doors with steel framing which is harder to kick in. Keep windows and doors locked. You could invest in an alarm system such as ADT or you could just cheat and buy the sign online for about $10-$20 as a deterent. You could put motion detection lights on every corner of your house/garage. Keep the blinds shut and don’t invite people you don’t know that well to your home with collectibles or valuables out in the open. You can buy painting locks where you have to have a key to remove the painting from the wall if you have expensive paintings. Keep a fire proof box with you important documents and jewelry in there and keep it hidden. If you are going on vacation you can ask a neighbor to keep watch on your home or hire a relative or close friend to house sit. You can get lamp timers that cut on & off at a certain time so that it appears that someone is at home. Most burgularies are spontaneous and houses aren’t picked for a certain reason they just have a ‘window of opportunity’ and they hit the house when it appears that no one is at home. A large dog such as a lab, rot, pit bull, golden retriever, german shepherd is also usually a deterent for most criminals.

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