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A pregnancy test detects the pregnancy hormone, HCG…if you’re not pregnant, it won’t detect it, regardless of how your other hormones are acting up.
Well — technically, the pregnancy test is using your hormones to tell if you’re pregnant or not —
However, unless something is seriously wrong, if you’re pregnant the test will not be wrong — That is — if you get a real blood test type of test.
The ones you buy “can” be wrong, although usually they’re pretty good indicator that you are or you’re not. Usually when they’re not correct, you took it too soon.
How soon is too soon? So really a blood test is the best way to go for sure? Not just the pee test?
The pee test in pretty accurate. You check after your first missed period or 3-4 weeks after intercourse.
Some pee tests are able to tell within a week of things happening now…. They ALL are counting on the hormone that says you’re pregnant to be pretty strong at that point…
Blood test — doesn’t make mistakes — Pee tests — generally work, and if they say you are, then, you probably are…..
but in this test you have to make sure you follow the directions to the letter, or it might not show you the correct information…
If it’s been a few weeks past your last period, and you had unprotected sex, that generally is when you are most likely to get pregnant – that’s NOT carved in stone, every person is different with this — but that is the general time…..
If you have missed a period after having sex — you “could” be pregnant — but the stress of the idea could also make you late too….
SO — take the pee test — you can do that yourself and get an idea…. if it’s positive, then you really should go and see the dr to make sure….
If the pee test is negative, then you might want to wait a little bit and do it again if you think you might really be pregnant…
In the end, if the pee test says you are — then 99.999% you probably are…. If it says no….. you could still be, but it didn’t pick up things yet.
think I’m still getting the blood test done too. I was talking to a friend of mine who has been pregnant and sadly miscarried and is also well on her to becoming a nurse. She said if it’s e….something pregnancy, can’t remember the spelling right now but I think it’s a tubal pregnancy or something….well then the pee test may not pick it up.
ectopic is the word you’re looking for — but you are right to say tubal pregnancy as well.
That might be a bit dramatic to consider at this point, but this like many other pregnancy medical issues can happen to anyone. This is just one of the many reasons that if you’re pregnant, or have strong reason to think you might be that visiting your dr is important.
In the end, you have to decide which information is what you need to make your decisions. While MANY people will tell you all the horror stories, and all the bad things, keep in mind, many of them are exagerated and in some cases just plain not true.
YOU and your Dr are the best ones to decide anything should an issue come up.
That said — you need to know if you’re pregnant or not, and not worry about anything else until you know. No sense in getting all freaked out over nothing, or stressed out to make yourself sick from just thinking about things….
You were smart enough to ask the question….. I am certain you’ve got the rest to make it thru no matter which way it might be….
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