Homesickness during a sleepover?

ok this just randomly popped into my head, im 14, and hate sleeping over at a friends house, I get homesick! come on im 14!!! I cant live my teen life afraid to sleep at a friends!! ok ill tell you a story here, I agreed to sleep at a friends house, she lives on the other half of my street, it was time for me to get my stuff and I got into my house and went to my mam, I cant sleep over I dont want to I want to stay home so my mam had to make up some stupid exuse for me! how stupid did I feel actually that was the 2nd time I did that to her, I was 12 or 13 when that happened, I mean whats going to happen when its time for me to move out!! I just want to know how to get over this stupid thing so I can have a normal teen life :| thanks xx sorry its so long by the way :P

Answer #1

hey its perfectly ok for anyone to be homesick

I mean even adults feel homesick

if you feel homesick when you go over to your friend’s house, it may just be your personality (ie closer to family kind of person). totally nothing to worry about

Answer #2

Hey, I was in the same pickle as you… I could sleepover at someones house for a night though…but when I was 15 I went to visit my best friend (she moved) and the plan was that I would stay a month… I got so home sick after a week that I cried myself to sleep every night and consistently had to hold back my tears, and I couldn’t handle it so I called my mom and she got be the earliest flight out (stayed a total of two weeks). I felt bad cause I knew I couldn’t see my best friend for another year and I felt like a wimp not being able to stay away from my mom for a month when I met her when she moved in with her dad (parents separated) for 6 months…

well now that was a year ago. I am now 16 and moving away from my parents (parents bought a cottage resort 3 hours from the city I grew up in- tried school and life up there for 6 months and hated it and missed my friends terribly). I have now been away from my parents for most of the summer and am moved in with my big brother (25) and his girlfriend(30) who own a house in my hometown. So I guess what im trying to tell you is that give it time and you will become less dependent on your parents. You may feel like a wimp but your not… you should feel extremely lucky (and your parents) that you have such a connection and good relationship with them. You still have a few years to enjoy your quality time before u’ll have to move on and start your own life. Though I think you will feel ready when that time comes. PLEASE Always keep a good relationship with your parents because I have seem to many sad cases of broken families. Need anymore advice? Fun Mail Me:D hoped I helped.

Answer #3

thats the same as me, exept I just miss home altogether :/

Answer #4

im still afrad to sleep at a friends house and im 14 and im a daddies girl so I want to come home but I I dont know how to get over it and im bout to turn 15 in novemver

Answer #5

I used to be like that when mhy friend is ironicly my neighbor. You’ll feel better if you take something that you always have with you at home like a special blanket or stuffed animal.

Answer #6

well, why not just hang out at your friend’s house? its a start. since she lives so ccloose, why not stay till around 11? then gradually increase the time you stay till. eventually… try spending the night. let your friend know you may feel home sick and that its not anything personal about her. if you really want to spend the night, try ccalling up mom and dad when you begin to feel it. or you an also distrat yourself.. like watcing a movie, or somethng. :] hope I helped.

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