Do i hold to high of expectations for myself?

I got 89% on my first exam and was really let down by that, i’m not sure if i’m being to hard on myself or if thats a normal reaction.

Answer #1

I think youre being too hard on yourself. I’d crap my pants with excitement if I got 89% on an exam.

Answer #2

You’re not alone. I will someday.

Answer #3

its a cold day in hell when i get a B so be happy!!! ur totally smart if u get Bs on exams esp if its big ones or of course the Finals

Answer #4

For me i’m going to be applying for pharmacy school next year and basically need straight A’s to get in, only 94 out of thousands get accepted. So getting anything less then an A is really a let down to me.

Answer #5

its good. My friend has a 99 in sciense and started crying becuase she thought it was ‘bad’ i got a 72 >..>

Answer #6

Yeah, well that’s the thing. I’d be impressed with myself to get a passing grade, I’m not really think about my future, though I should be.

Answer #7

Mackenzie, just keep your head high and focused. I know the stress you’re going through right now, I myself am trying to pick my grades up so I can be the first person in my house not to give up so easily (my sister did).

You are doing what most teenagers should be doing, setting high objectives for yourself in order to succeed, and honestly, I admire you for that. If 89% is a bad score for you, study a little harder for the next one OR if your allowed to, take a makeup test to get a better score.

You have my support.

Answer #8

Ha I have to pass or i’d be losing thousands of dollars.

Answer #9

haha i know what you mean exactly. in the classes i liked or interested in, i tried to learn everything and get a 100 on each exam or quiz or whatever. well i always passed with a high grade but i always was hard on myself if i got some questions wrong, i wanted to learn and know as much as i could. so getting some wrong got me mad and it meant i didnt learn as much as i could have. so i dont think you are being hard on your self. it just seems that you have the expectations to do well all the time and theres nothing wrong with that.

Answer #10

:) Another perfectionist in the making, my 3.84 GPA from undergrad still pises me off (yes, I wanted a 4.0). Here’s the bottom line. Yes pharmacy school is competitive, but if my friend got into medical school with a 3.85, I think you’re ok with an occasional B+ or A-. Which hasnt really happened because you’re talking about one test. Here’s the thing. And I dont want to by a hypocrite because nothing is ever good enough for me. But the problem is, when nothing is ever good enough, you’re never happy. I got a 4.0 from my masters, I’m not happy because I feel like I should be half way through a PhD by now. There’s a difference between having high expectations, and then just being unreasonable. I cant with a clear conscience say you’re holding too high of an expectation, because in your place it is how I would feel (and have felt). But I do realize that there’s a point where you have to understand that it is not ok to set yourself up that way. No one is perfect. And you will never be happy if you expect yourself to be.

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