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How does it work
Ok I live with my dad only an theres 3 of us teens in the house and my mom sick an she has cancer and my dad is just passin with the bills …could welfar help me find a job and get some money and step by step how does it work..?
could the communtiy get together and have benifits to raise money for your family?
Why do you need welfare to help you get a job. You’re old enough to work so why not just go and get a job in a shop on saturdays. If you know someone who runs a shop and knows your situation I’m sure they’ll give you a few hours on saturday.
k well chill out its not as easy as you freaken think some people are not as SPOILD as you r b thank full for what you have now
How cognitive changes in middle adulthood affect work and fam - 1 Answers
How cognitive changes in middle adulthood affect work and family relationships?
How do I tell my dad that the hard drive he loaned to my boyfriend stopped working (more)? - 2 Answers
It honestly stopped working on its own but I doubt my dad would believe that. Mike even paid to send it in to get a replaceme...
How do you deal with a sister in law... you work with? - 2 Answers
I work with my sister in law and we have not spoke in almost 2 years. There was a BIG fued between us. She was VERY wrong. I ...
Working mum - 4 Answers
My mum works nightshift takin care of elderly people in a home she is a great mum but is always workin on the weekend and we ...
How to spend time with my family when I work all the time? - 3 Answers
Should I try to work this out with my Dad? - 5 Answers
My dad is throwing me out of the house because he thinks I am a stoner and I am screwing my boyfriend . he came in my room an...
How would it work if my mum and my friends dad got married and so did my dad and her mum? - 7 Answers
ok so me and my friend were sitting in my kitchen talken about how are parents were divorsed and we were wondeer in say my mu...
Can my friend's parents take him out of school and make him work? - 5 Answers
My friend brandon just called me and told me he couldn't ever talk to me or any of his friends again.. he wa crying brandon N...
how can we work things out if my parents wont let us ? - 6 Answers
My parents just found out I lost my virginity to my boyfriend who is 16 and im 14 almost 15.. && well of course its against t...
How does this whole custody thing work out? - 7 Answers
My dad currently has full custody of me, I think, because he took my mom to court for custody, she never showed, so it was ad...
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