History and the bible

Why do people see Alexander the Great as a legitimate historical figure, yet the figures mentioned in the bible somehow are viewed as Fairy Tales?

Answer #1


and your reliable sources are…???

Answer #2

I don’t get this formula:

If Alexander the great existed it means Jesus didn’t.

Or if Jesus existed that means Alexander the great didn’t.

Don’t you all know that it’s okay for Alexander the Great and Jesus to have both existed?

25th of December was an Ancient Roman holiday.Only because it is an Egyptian and like The dude mentioned Buddha’s Birthday don’t mean that it wasn’t also a Roman Holiday.Okay your birthday can fall on the same day as Halloween one doesn’t contradict the other it just proves that ,that day is significant to both parties.In this case three parties and maybe countless others who were born on the same date.

I wonder where it says that loving yourself is a sin?God thinks of your body as His temple.Where he lives.So why would you look at your body as a sinful thing.A body isn’t sinful.It’s what we do with it.

I have a husband and had ,well, just a few crushes in my life time.I don’t see how I am committing adultery by being attracted to them.

Sexual attraction is NOT THE SAME as lust.It is normal to be sexually attracted to someone.That’s how God made men and women.It would be I think unbearable if people didn’t feel sexual attraction and HAD to have sex in order to have children.

Sex is a way of expressing love to someone.It’s so polluted now by how the media portrays sex that we forget how beautiful it is and associate it more with dirtiness or impulsiveness or just plain self satisfaction.

But lust…Lust is a way of taking someone…stripping it of all love and using it for self satisfaction and I mean exclusively yours not your partners or God forbid…someone else…I mean you might be using you partner then your partner uses you and you call that love but it isn’t.The very fact that you USE someone is what makes it wrong.

And yes if a guy looks at a girl and thinks lustfully it is wrong according to God’s word.If you don’t think it’s wrong it’s okay.Just don’t tell people who believe in God’s word that it isn’t wrong too.

It’s funny how you had to make a comparison of Jesus to Alexander the Great.Book of Enoch..old Ethiopian orthodox manuscript…Enoch mentioned in the bible…a man who lives BEFORE THE FLOOD…even wrote about his vision of the Maccabean Revolt…which indeed involved Alexander the Great Greek Empire.It spread Hellenization or Greek culture to Judea.

So yes what’s so wrong about Alexander The Great existing and Jesus Christ too?

Only because 4th of July is America’s Independence Day don’t mean it ain’t my birthday too.

Answer #3

Sexual attraction is NOT THE SAME as lust.It is normal to be sexually attracted to someone.

LUST = SEXUAL ATTRACTION thats what lust is. FYI sex to unmarried couples was forbidden when the church reined and even in a married relationship sex was frowned upon unless it was to produce offspring, so you my friend are making things up as you go along, or you are just too blind, please go to wikipdia and research some more on the churches standings around the 15th century, youll see im right.

im not saying if alexander existed then jesus didnt, im not sure where you read that.

no im saying jesus DIDNT exist. full stop. there is no factual writing, EXCEPT FOR THE BIBLE and other “holy” scriptures that mention jesus or his desciples.

you need to educate yourself more if you want to make a point, frankly I cant be bothered to open your eyes, cause you glued em shut.

Answer #4

Sexual attraction is NOT THE SAME as lust.

Uh, yes it is…

Answer #5

O_o the writer is giving the ideas, and it seems he ran out of arguments.

me FTW!!!

P.S. I never took you seriously to begin with :D

Answer #6

Most people do not doubt the historical figures in the Bible (especially Abraham and the post-Abrahamic figures), and the Bible is largely an historically accurate book, but what people do often doubt are the miraculous events surrounding these individuals.

Answer #7

What are you talking about? I read how he attacks other writer’s too…actually I don’t mind him thinking my answers are crap…everyone has a right to an opinion…and what do you mean run out of arguments…there’s nothing to argue about anymore..I made my point he made his.Ces’t fini!

Answer #8

It’s funny how most of your arguments usually attacks the writer instead of the the idea.

you know what’s REALLY funny, that every SINGLE Christian on this site when they run out of arguments feel that they are being personally attacked.

Answer #9

It’s funny how most of your arguments usually attacks the writer instead of the the idea. You certainly need to educate yourself on the art of debating.If you have a point to prove you prove with facts and not with insults.I actually can’t take you seriously now.

Answer #10

marianna86 please read before you produce such nonsense

25th december was not a roman holiday, it was actually Egyptian

Love God with all your heart,soul and MIND=Love other’s like you love yourself.

by what I remember loving yourself is a sin

Actually anyone who commits adultery should die in the old testament men or women.But Jesus made it even harder.He said if you looked at someone with lust then your already committing adultery.The point is if you don’t desire it then you won’t do it.It all starts with your mind then your heart then your acts.

do you have a boyfriend or a crush? you should die then, you are committing a sin

if a guy looks at a girl and thinks lustfully, then he is a sinner even though he doesnt actually do anything to the girl… thats just wrong O_o

oh and alexander the great is mentioned in old scriptures and as such, existed for real… not like jesus who was only mentioned around 45 A.D

Answer #11

*The Dude

Jesus was never born on the 25th of December.The bible never stated that.It was taken from the roman traditions.25th of December was a holy day for roman gods and they changed it when they started to embrace Christianity.I know a person in my church who never celebrated Christmas because he knew very well Jesus’ wasn’t born on that day.The thing is Christians celebrate Christmas to remember Christ’s Birth.You can do it on the 25th of December or on Halloweens day.The point is as believers you have a special day to remember Christ’s Birth.

Like a memorial.A grave with no name.You know the soldier isn’t there.But you remember him by honouring him with a gravestone.

The Old Testament has a lot of laws.It was a time where God had to make them so that people would know right from wrong.When The New testament era began with Jesus’s Birth.He summed up all the laws to what was most important.All those laws about cleaness and uncleaness they all had a meaning that couldn’t be explained if Jesus never came to this world.One of the apostles was shown by God that everything that God has made to be eaten is now allowed to be eaten.

From the start the rules about not eating unclean animals really meant not being unclean in the inside.In your thought’s and mind and dont let yourself be influenced by unclean things.But it couldn’t have possibly made sense if Jesus wasn’t there.He was the only one who can give forgiveness and grace and mercy through his death.

When you spoke about slaves I understood that you either read the bible on the surface or heard a friend talk about it.The bible is not written by one man.It was not written at the same time.The only thing the different books have in common is it was written by people who had the Spirit of God in them.It directs a message to one ultimate goal.When studying the bible…it is NEVER WISE to read randomly.NEVER WISE to be subjective.when you STUDY THE BIBLE not just read it.You have to understand to study IN CONTEXT.Owning slaves was a part of life back then at an age where it was acceptable.The same reason why you can’t explain the internet or television to the people who lived at Moses’s time.Each era and age has their own social context and when you study the bible you should always research who said the verse…to whom it’s being spoken…how was the social condition at that time…etc…YOu should make sense of the whole situation then you’ll REALLY KNOW that the bible doesn’t contradict itself.Our ignorance does.

Actually anyone who commits adultery should die in the old testament men or women.But Jesus made it even harder.He said if you looked at someone with lust then your already committing adultery.The point is if you don’t desire it then you won’t do it.It all starts with your mind then your heart then your acts.

But every law that God gave int he old testament has now been summed up to 2 commandments that Jesus said.

Love God with all your heart,soul and MIND=Love other’s like you love yourself.

So we don’t have to worry about being stoned because of adultery or cloths of multiple threads…because now God has made us understood the true meanign of all his laws.

YOu make a child memorize a multiplication set usually 1-12 when their still young.

When they grow older in university perhaps then you can teach them where the numbers originates from,it’s history and why 1X1=1.

At the start you just have to know what you can do and what you can’t

At the end The meaning will be clear.

So now you know

Answer #12

There are contemporary writings about Alexander the Great, and he is depicted in the same way as other kings of his day. There is nothing extraordinary about the idea of a king. Although, his achievements were probably puffed up quite a bit.

But you know what? If new evidence were uncovered that showed he was a myth, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

Answer #13

because there is hard stone evidence of him being here.

if you are a faithful christian, then it should not matter if there is fact of Jesus being here or not.

that’s why they want you to have faith.

best thing to do. do things that are right by you, never think you are being a good person, because you probably are being a douche.

if you can do that, thats my idea of religion - and I have a long way to go.

also take into thought that the bible is written by man. they could be liars. most of the stories were out 600-900 years after the death of Christ.

this is why I dont believe 90% of the bible, its not a history book in my opinion, more a book of how to live an honest life, but who kills their disobedient child with stones now days? but thats the old testiment, we are supposed to ignore that part. and the 20 some-odd other books that the church has taken out of the public version of the bible.

in short, have faith in yourself, and in others. there cant be nothing in the end, I think its impossible. there is bound to be something in the end, or it will happen eventually, like the big bang theory, before the universe happened, what was there? couldnt have been nothing, there has to be something.

Answer #14

marianna86…Jesus said that slaves had to stay with their masters, even if they were cruel.

Point being: slavery is OK…which means that in the eyes of Christianity, really, we should still have slaves.

Most people now realize it’s a barbaric crime against humanity. Any “god” which says that slavery is OK isn’t really a god, but a convenient fiction to justify the traditions of a given time period in history.

Depending on which type of “Christian” you are, there are also more or less biblical books…and, even those were chosen by men, not God. Given that we have so many different bibles…isn’t it likely that the “word” was tainted? In fact, it certainly is, for there isn’t a single version that’s passed around and used in the original Greek, Latin and Hebrew…because linguistically it is impossible to translate and keep exact meaning from one language to another such a large work, even between two modern languages.

Take the Tao Te Ching, thd oldest book on philosophy in the world from China…now, if you have read the book and the notes, the translator makes decisions and choices on what the words mean…so, too, did the translators of the bible. So too did the various factions of the church that used one set of books, or another.

So, too, does the entire Christian religion in using the holy book of the Jews…as, if Jesus fulfilled their prophecies (which Christians claim) then Jews would be in agreement 100%, and we would no longer have Judaism as a religion. That we do and with the Dead Sea Scrolls, that they have one of the oldest religious books in the world (the old testament) and that there are inconsistencies between the Judaic version and the Christian version…

Do let me know when you decide that Jesus (god) was wrong, and slavery is also wrong…for if Jesus (god) was wrong, he wasn’t perfect, therefore, wasn’t god ;)

Answer #15

Let’s start with Jesus birth & go from there, shall we? He wasn’t born on December 25th…historical fact. If you read the bible, the date is mentioned nowhere it’s a tradition started in the 4th century by papal decree…and, guess what? It’s actually Bhudda’s birthday. So, the Catholics “stole” the date of the “god made flesh” from another religion…which always strikes me as well, sick, wrong & twisted.

Do you eat, bacon? Yes? According to the bible, you shoudln’t.

Do you keep slaves? No? They are OK, according to Jesus…you can even beat them :) Torture them, etc. And, if you’re a slave, being abused, should you leave? Nope, because, GOD says slaves should stay with their masters.

In other words…the one time, God comes to Earth and gives us an incredibly limited set of instructions…he thinks men should throw rocks at women to kill them if they cheat, that cloth of multiple kinds of thread is illegal (WTF?) and most importantly, that we should all keep slaves, you know, to beat in case we get antsy about stuff.

That’s not a religion, that’s torture, sophistry and an excuse for thousands of years of hatred and bigorty. It’s conveniently forgotten by most Christians that those passages are there, but they are…either the book is “flawless” or it’s got problems…if it does, then, find your own path to God and don’t look in a book that’s riddled with problems.

Answer #16

The Bible is viewed as fiction to unbelievers.And we as believers sometimes get caught up in it.

That’s why you have to challenge your mind with facts,historical facts that are found in the world and in the bible.

Most bibles come with a mini dictionary at the back or a map of ancient routes.This can help remind you that it’s not a story book.

It holds our past,present,and future.

The book of Esther describes King Xerxes…history testifies that there was such a king.

Look up the records of Jesus’ Birth in the census in Bethlehem.

Look up the years when Jesus was alive,were the Romans in charge of that area?You’ll find that they indeed were.

Did the crucifixion exist.Indeed it did.It was used by Roman soldiers to execute foreign prisoners.

Study the different god’s ancient people use to worship.It is the same with ancient civilization cultures.

The new testament even mentions some of the god’s known to mythology like Zeus.

Check up if King Herod really existed.

God say’s you should love him with your mind also.

That means a LOT of researching and a lot of faith.

Okay people who say the bible is fiction can’t prove that it is either.It’s just words coming out of their mouth and no proof.Unacceptable they expect us to give proof when they themselves can’t.Basing it upon other “theories or concepts”that hasn’t even been proven yet.

Answer #17

…he thinks men should throw rocks at women to kill them if they cheat, that cloth of multiple kinds of thread is illegal (WTF?)

Lol… I too would say… (WTF?) lol

Answer #18


are you asking for proof that the bible has said these things (because that is easy enough) or are you asking for archeological proof about Alexander the Great’s legacy? Also easy enough… and no one has said EVERYTHING in the bible is false. Obviously people living during the time had some truth, or at least their version of some of the truth written down. But most of it (I.e. conflicting stories about the creation of the world, conflicting stories about Noah, etc etc) is mythology. And when you’ve got a bunch of antiquated rules and a bunch of mythology interwoven, it is very hard to use a book as historical fact…

Answer #19

blakins04: I don’t know if Jesus existed or not. There are very few extra-Biblical historical references to Jesus and the few that exist are considered by many historians to probably be forgeries due to inconsistencies. The fact that there are so many parallels between the Jesus story and the hero/savior figures in earlier religions supports the theory that Jesus instead of being an actual person is a composite of earlier religious figures. It is also possible that Jesus existed but many elements of his story came from earlier religions.

At this point it is nearly impossible to prove if historical Jesus lived or not. A number of historians have written about Alexander the Great so there is far more historical evidence for his existance than Jesus.’

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