Can I use a blonde color to highlight my hair instead of bleach?

Can I use a blonde color to highlight my hair instead of bleach?

Answer #1

Yeah just make sure on the side of the box with your haircolor it will turn into the color you want I done mine with the 3 dollar syuff at walmart and its ok!

Answer #2

I have dark brown hair and I got blond highlights in it…but ya need to pay attention to the color of your hair before you get a specific blond color, it could turn out way different

Answer #3

that depends on how light or dark your hair naturally is if its dark brown then it wont work when you buy a hair colour on the box there should be a pictuire of what it will do to your hair colour…and how it will turn out for most colours of hair (natural) so check the box

Answer #4

ummm…sure…but it might ruin your hair??

-Tiana [sry I dont really know, add me]

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