What do you think heaven is like?

What do think Heaven is like?

Answer #1

stanciu1: How can you say that when you die you go to heaven if you obviously never died? In the absence of any way to prove either proposition, the simplest one is most likely to be the correct one. I can’t prove there are no teapots orbiting mars, but it seems reasonable to assume there aren’t any.

Answer #2

“I think it’s however you imagine it to be, because it doesn’t exist beyond the confines of human imagination.”

Neither do I… cogito ergo sum

Answer #3

Unlike anything in this life…the afterlife will be like being born again…yet, coming home.

Answer #4

wow to be honest I am afraid to die I am afraid of being all alone with nobody to hold or talk to or love. I don’t understand why we have to die. It just dose’nt make scense But you are right make the best out of what you got.

Answer #5

I think it’s however you imagine it to be, because it doesn’t exist beyond the confines of human imagination.

Answer #6

Heaven is something you could never Imagine, its Peaceful & there is no sadness, no tears, no hurt, no crime, no Pain, its just relaxing & Gorgeous & perfect weather, nor Night or Day & the tempruture will be nor cold nor hot but just perfect & the sea will be calm & the sand will be perfect white & the flowers are colours that exist only in Heaven & the streets & gates are made of Gold & Diamonds & everyone is happy & there will be music & celebration every single day,

that & a whole lot more!!

That is How Heaven is 4 me & I am not scared to die cause I’m going to Heaven & this makes me sooo Happy :-)

Answer #7

I think it is beyond anything that we can hope or dream.

Answer #8

Do you think that when you die,you still get to watch your family live. Like will I be able to see everything that gose on in their life?Im afraid of how my family would react if I were to pass.I just wonder if we would be able to watch them live and grow.

Answer #9

wow,that is simple.But sometimes thats what I feel.It just seems like there has to be more to it then that though.I mean,this can’t be it,can it?It’s too short.

Answer #10

Thanks a lot religionisgood. You’ve just triggered Thanatophobia for me. Maybe I’ll ask to be cryogenically frozen for ever. Everlasting sleep can’t be scarier than death.

Answer #11

Thanks a lot religionisgood. You’ve just triggered Thanatophobia for me. Maybe I’ll ask to be cryogenically frozen for ever. Everlasting sleep can’t be scarier than death.

Answer #12

* .It just seems like there has to be more to it then that though.I mean,this can’t be it,can it?

Sadly, reality is under no obligation to yield to our fears and desires. So yes, when you die, you just die and that’s it. Think about it. If our consciousness existed independent of our bodies, it would always exist. But it doesn’t. It stops existing during sleep.

It’s so simple a child could understand it, but since it’s unpleasant to think about, we make up all kinds of fairy tales about afterlifes.

Answer #13

When I die, I’ll telll you :-/

Answer #14


Answer #15

No, I think that when you die, your body decomposes and that’s it. There is no afterlife.

Answer #16

I think the whole deal is (imo) Heaven is eternal paradise with God, it will reflect this life in every way just without boundaries, pain, fatigue, sadness, sense of time, etc. C.S. Lewis described the place itself like trying to peel away layers of an onion and getting a larger layer underneath meaning, the further into God’s perfect mirror image of this world we go, the better and more vast it becomes.

Again, just in my opinion. My idea of Hell is what atheists believe about all death. It’s just that. Death. Everyone dies once, the body has an “expiration date” but the real determining factor is the soul. If IT dies, there’s nothing else, no burning pit, no rotting hole, just death, nothing. For someone to linger on in a physical Hell would almost hint at the idea that it was still alive in some way.

What determines “where you go” isn’t so much as following all of the little rules in the Book and going to church every weekend, and being the perfect little Christian. It isn’t strictly CHRISTIANS that go to Heaven. God’s 2 commandments were to love Him and love others as He loves you (which is basically a catch-all for the other 9 commandments)

Since God’s all about free will, I think, in the end, we will judge ourselves. I think it will be a face-to-face, open-hearted discussion with the Lord (maybe not such a physical interaction but we will know the truth in the end) Seeing Him in all His glory and the Holy Spirit working through us, our lives mistakes, short-comings, and victories will be apparent to us and we will know the answer.

No one can KNOW for sure since no one has really died and come back to tell us. But I hold all of these things to be true in my heart. If you disagree, I’m sorry.

Answer #17

How could you say that ‘when you die you die and that’s it’ if you obviously never died and there’s no proof to prove your statement?

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