Help me get better Grades

How can I get better Grades?

Answer #1

study more. if your having trouble in math ( or basically any other subject) go on

Answer #2

study? haha. I use to get terrible grades and now I get straight a’s. sit in the front of a classroom. do your how the night you get it so if you dont understand it you can ask qeustions. make suree you keep distractions away from you during class, like a phone.

if you have specific qeustions, go ahead and funmail me. I can help. I tutor younger kids.

Answer #3

Here are as many tips as I can give that I do as well:

-Sit in the front of the class -Don’t joke around -Take notes when that day comes -Ask for help when you need it not caring if anyone laughs -Do your class and homework every night turning it in on time -Study for tests/quiz’s when told to -Eat well before going to school -Try your hardest to stay awake and not fall asleep -Listen to what the teacher says because some don’t repeat -Get after school tutoring if you need it or want it

And the key tip: -Be on time to class and be prepared at all times and follow the rules and not be absent

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