How to make my stomach flat?

how can I make my stomach flat?? what exercises??

Answer #1

-sigh- Your stomach doesn’t matter. Eat, enjoy it while you can. You know half of the world is dying from starvation, and here you are worrying about what you look like?

Answer #2

well a simple way iz crunches… also, you can try this excercise where, you spread otu your body. put your elbowz in a v position with your hands touching, and push your self up and hold it there for as long as u can

Answer #3

leg lifts and side crunches

Answer #4

I’ve always heard crunches are best.

Answer #5

Here’s what I do: 10 leg lifts. 10 dead bugs. 10 sit ups. 10 crunches. 1 minute of bicycles. If you don’t know what any of these are, message me and I’ll explain. But every night, I add 1 rep. So I’ll do 20 of each, so the next night, I’ll do 30. But don’t do just 20 pushups then 20 sit ups. Do them seperately. I do 10 of each, then start over. Hope this helped… Message if you have any questions.

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