How can I lose weight fast?

I am 15 years old and I weigh 185 lbs. and im 5’7. I need 2 lose extreme weight ASAP… please help && I dont want to b anorexic or bulimic.

Answer #1

Try cutting back on foods that are high in fat and calories. And eat fruits and vegtables .Also try to cut back on drinks that are full of sugar like soda and juice , and try drinking water , at leat 4-8 glasses . And at least excercise for at least 20 minutes . Try swimming , jogging , tennis , or anything you like to do . Good luck

Answer #2

Drink lots of water, and eat healthily. Instead of eating junk, eat an apple, or a small piece of chicken with the fat cut off. DON’T EAT OUT OF BOREDOM. Know the difference between boredom eating and eating for hunger. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.

Try running, too. Push yourself just to the point past comfort, but don’t go crazy, or you’ll hurt yourself. After running, do some push ups, sit ups, and crunches. Once again, know your limits, and be realistic. It might help to get a friend to exercise with you. I’ve got one, and it makes exercise fun. Just play some music you like and have a good time, all while getting in shape and healthy.

Answer #3

what worked for me was i cut out soda and replace all sugery drinks with low- sugar drinks and water also i ate smaller portions about a fist size i didnt eat at least 2 hours befor bed and i ate alot of fiber foods which fill you up so you dont over eat or want to snack alot. also i added in alot of fruits and veggies into my meals stayed away from fried foods , or processed foods i took vitamins and apill called miracle burn it really works i lost 10 pounds in 2weeks i kept taking it and i so far lost 20 pounds i love that pill i’ve tried alot of diet pills and none were ever as sucessful as this one go to and it will tell you all about it its cheap too hope this helps miss v

Answer #4

Try only eating salads and fruit for two weeks. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and do some sort of exercise(even if its only walking to start off). also try not to ever eat within 4 hours of when you go to bed. If you do this, you will lose about 5 lbs a week. Remember though, that being fit is a lifestyle. If you dont eat healthy and exercise forever, you will return to your original state.

good luck, Duke

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