How do I tell my mom that I'm unhappy with school?

= / I was reali happy at my old school and had the best mates but it got a bad ofset report and my mum moved me to a posh grammor school were all the girls are plastic and snobby I hate it ! and she wont listen to me : ‘( I could cry al day over it I keep sciving saying im ill because I hate it soo badlyy I reali need some tips to help me tell her;’( plus my boyfriend goes to my old school and I hardly see him now..

Answer #1

what ever.. il do as I please

Answer #2

not reali tinatodder4 I’ve been in 5 school around england and I didnt want to be moved again..

and ty viviana :D

Answer #3

Actually, I’ve attended far more than 5 schools, all in different states in the USA. Once again, I DO know how you feel. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. it’s useless and no-one cares!!! life is a play, never play the victim.

Answer #4

Do you get bullied at school? I f yes then you can use that as something, you can tell a teacher and let your mother know so she can see what a nighmare you are having in school/ If not again try talking to a teacher and as polite as you can tell that that school is just not working out and let her know that you would like her to talk to your mom so she can understand because, she dosent listen to you.

Also sometimes is good finding a best friend. I mean don’t judge people by just seing 1 pearson act 1 way or another, and when you do find a best friend you dont need everybody else and you can care less.


Answer #5

You’re not going back, get over it. judging your peers and calling them ‘“ plastic and snobby”; is not going to help your situation. Make the best of it. Don’t let your happenings destroy your happiness. Be kind and gracious and I promise they will respond to you favorably! You’re not always going to be with your friends your entire life. I moved across the country when I was 13, I know how you feel. Push forward, life goes on.

Answer #6

Haha sucks for you HAHA

Answer #7

actually everybody want to be successful in his future but it’s too hard for us to find our detenation why our perants is not letting us to for our hobbys why they are so strict with us

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