How Do you get superglue off of your fingers?

How Do you get superglue off of your fingers?

Answer #1

I would recommend just running your fingers under water to soften it up and then peel what you can away. if what is still on your fingers bothers you, then you should probably get it off with nail polish remover or something. hope what I said helps you. good luck with that superglue. :)

Answer #2

I dont know how to put this nicely, but your ummm… kinda… S.O.T.L.

First you have to consider what fingers is the glue on? Are they one of the biggies like “thumb”. Thats a problem. Lets hope its on pinkie… those are expandable.

Just remember the ol’ saying… “a penny earned is a penny saved”. Wait? Wrong one. Anyway… sacrifice the weaker finger cause that ish is permanent.

BREEZE Easy Ma’am

Answer #3

run it under warm not hot water. don’t work use a plaster. that what I did when my fingers got stuck 2gether.

Answer #4

Honestly tho… the best way is too wait it out.. like a day and it should be gone… just use soap and water

Answer #5

I did that once, lmao, good times, good times. I glued 2 of my fingers 2getha, but I pulled em slowly apart. I just scratched the glue off. not the best way, because it takes a while, so thanks, behappy, I’ll try that next time:)

Answer #6

Nail polish remover works!! XD

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