Hard time pronouncing the (r)) letter!!!

I cant pronounce the are letter or the letter that sound like are in my language and it is embarrassing and frustrating ? My question is can this problem be solved???

Answer #1

yea try singing a song that says the word that is hard 4 you to say lol my boyfriend cant say his R’s and thats what helped him if you need moor tips msg me =]

Answer #2

Speech therapy would certainly help. So would language tapes if English is your second language. Saying words really slowly to yourself, making sure you take lots of time over the ‘r’ sound, might also help you to improve your own speech.

But getting upset about it and worrying too much will probably make it worse - see it as a good self-improvement challenge, but not a necessity.

I see you say there is an ‘r’ sound in your first language. Can most people in your community/family pronounce it properly? Which language worries you more - the ‘r’ in English or the similar sound in your other language? Do most people in your community get the English ‘r’ right, or is this a common problem?

Answer #3

YES IT CAN! speech therapy. enroll and they will fix it.

Answer #4

a lot of people have this problem. just practice over and over

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