If you're underwater, are you really wet?

If your under water, are you really wet?

Answer #1

Is this a riddle? There are a number of animals that go underwater and don’t get wet to the skin. e.g. otters, penguins, polar bears, ducks. If you’re underwater in a submarine, hopefully you’re not wet.

What’s your point?

Answer #2

I’ll guess no. because you’re under water not ON the water.

Answer #3

I think so… Ooh, is this one of those brain teasery things?

Answer #4

when your wet you are dripping with water but when your underwater… uh im not sure lol

Answer #5


Answer #6

uhm maybe I don’t know not for sure speaking of underwater, ask someone in new orleans or houston texas~not making fun of or joking being serious.

Answer #7

Yes and no.

Answer #8

no you cant be

Answer #9

yes. when you’re underwater, the water is still on you, you just can’t tell because it’s all around you at the same time.

Answer #10

The way I see it, you are physically wet. Your brain may not interpret the wet sensation until your out of the water but it doesn’t change the fact that if your in a bathing suit and you do a cannon ball in a pool that you are wet even if you don’t realize until you come up for air.

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