What's the best thing that's happened to you this week?

Answer #1

I got a frappachino for half price on Tuesday, cuz it’s half price frappachino week. Pretty sweet.

Answer #2

Well i got a kidney infection, urine infection, aggravating constipation, my period 2 months late, extreme migraines, fainting, stomach pains… TBH the best thing that’s happened, i found 20 pence on the floor in the hospital…. when i tried to pick it up someone stepped on my hand…. lets just say im happy i haven’t been hit by a car

Answer #3

The week is not yet over….

Answer #4

I’m glad you haven’t been hit too O: I’m sure something fabulous will happen on Saturday :D

Answer #5

ohhh ohh maybe il find 40 pence :o.

Answer #6

wow thats horrible

Answer #7

No haha its my life.

Answer #8

hope u get better

Answer #9


Answer #10

Hmm. Honestly staying motivated enough to write and work on my blog and traffic techniques. I had major writers block going on but it seems to be over now, hopefully it will stay that way.

Answer #11

The week isnt over yet but I have had my share of sh!ty days this week, wont go into details but so far the best day I have had so far was Tuesday, unexpected family members came over for a BBQ. It was spontaneous, only had 2 hours to prepare defrost the foods, make salads, clean up & shower…so we all did a part and by the time they showed up it was fun. Too bad the next day my professor was involved in a car wreck…I dont know how he managed to live through it…someone must be watching over him…so he can help people like me…too much drama, too much ciaos…would be nice to have a nice quiet weekend!

Answer #12

i didnt go to school today, i improved my physical education score for the pacer(running test) by 13 laps. i didnt go to alot of my classes this week… yep thats the best things that have happened

Answer #13

That’s… ahh. Feel better. Dx<3

Answer #14

Well…wensday, today & Friday are my dance residuals. Matter of fact I’m at one right now. This chick I hate almost got her ash handed to her today. I’m getting closer to a girl I thought was really cool, I’ve had a pretty good week surprisingly. :D

Answer #15

The SUN finally came out!!! for a whole day. Amazing!

Answer #16


Answer #17

Best thing that happened.. talking to my girlfriend every day. My week has been terrible; she’s been the best part of it.

Answer #18

My cousin came out of surgery perfect !!

Answer #19

ohDear i wish… k yeah i do have one. it didnt happen actually, kk i sneaked to school with the car.i feel great

Answer #20

Two things: the dog chewed thru the cable between the modem and the telphone socket last week. The man came from Telecom Australia on Monday and replaced it: so we now have our Internet back. Then, yesterday the Digital Set Top Box packed up, so no television reception. I replaced it to-day with an even better one giving superior pictures and about 4 extra channels!

Answer #21

What a dynamic group we have here … the question was “what’s the BEST thing that happened”, and we have mostly lists of bad news. Are your lives really so horrible that you can’t find one legitimate good thing about them? Well, the best thing that happened to me this week - I was finally able to walk in the backyard barefoot … the snow is all gone!

Answer #22

Mine was good news! Slightly pathetic good news, but still good. And the snow JUST melted up north? xD it’s like summer here lol, I would be walking around in shorts if I was the type of person to do that.

Answer #23

Sorry to hear you had a crappy week…:( Hope the weekend turns out better!

Answer #24

I made an awesome chocolate pie.

Answer #25


Answer #26

I hope after all of this something really awesome will happen (:

Answer #27

today is the last day of school, I was sick for a week and finally got better, Today was finally cool enough that I didn’t sweat, the heat is horrible!!!

Answer #28

I got to see my sister and kiss and rub her belly :) Her baby will kick whereever your hand is it’s a trip to feel and see :D

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