What would happen if a girl took Viagra?

Answer #1

of course double power. normally women doesn’t need to took any ‘supplement’. only men do

Answer #2

Haha GIRL POWER! lol

Answer #3

It would make her blood pressure drop but other than that it wouldnt do anything.

Answer #4

Make the blood flow to her vagin@ and could result in a faster easier orgazm

Answer #5

I was actually wondering about that

Answer #6

I honestly do not think a young girl or a woman should take viagra, she should be able to have sex with whom ever she wants proviging that the guy is of her choosing and that they feel that certain electricity between themselves, But now protection is what I would be taking in case you are not ready for an unborn child or being a mother or a father.

Answer #7

she gets… very “excited”.. d: speaking from experiance lol

Answer #8

Doing this could cause an irregular/increased heart beat, because of whatever is in the medicine which causes the Male to become hard, I’d imagine is a chemical stimulant of some sort.

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