What would happen if you exceed 10 minutes of Nair lotion application ?

Answer #1

depends on your skin and how sensitive it is. It could cause a chemical burn

Answer #2

you mean nair dipilitory cream right?

Answer #3

If it is the hair removal cream, then as you Danielle mentioned it could cause a chemical burn. My sister actually got burned using veet as indicated. It was so bad that they rushed her to the emergency room and she had scabs all over her legs. Use it for the recommended time.

Answer #4

i did that accidentally once and my skin turned all red& itchy :(

Answer #5

I have even gotten bad skin irritation from the sensitive versions! I just stick to waxing now

Answer #6

That was wat my sister used, veet for sensitive skin.

Answer #7

I just did that yesterday.It felt like i had sunburn.My legs got all spotted and it’s just terrible.It left like scratches.

Answer #8

I just did that yesterday.It felt like i had sunburn.My legs got all spotted and it’s just terrible.It left like scratches.

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