How can I tone down light highlights?

I stupidly got my family friend to die my hair. From a box. Blonde highlights. Sooo she died it, And pulled WAY to much bang. Basically, I hate it with a passion. I dont feel like spending a hundred bucks to fix it :|

I was wondering is there a way I can tone down the bleach or at least get rid of it FAST?! if not, is their anyway WITHOUT using die?? please help!!!

Answer #1

what other color do you have in it?

Answer #2

Ok. So you tried to add more bangs and the strip is blonde, too. Well, you are just in a real pickle aren’t you? Is your heart set on NOT using any color?

Answer #3

too missheather: i have a chesnut brown, which is my natural colour

too monicacharlene: i already tried that… it wouldn’t work, cause theres a bleeach blonde strip, before. it would still be blonde :| hahaha sorryyy!!! good idea though

Answer #4

If you don’t want to use another color to tone down your hi-lites in your bangs, create more bangs. Wherever the line starts where your bangs fall, part a very THIN line of hair just barely above the original bang line and then trim the new hair to the same length as your bangs. The new hair that you are to add to your existing bangs should be so thin you can see through it. If you do not want to do this, let me know and I will try to help you think of another way. Don’t let your friends do your hair anymore unless they are a licensed cosmotologist!

Answer #5

just tone it down with a darker color… I did that when my bangs went bleach… I used a dark blonde and it didnt work how I wanted, so I took some of my dads dark brown and put it in for 3 mins and it worked great

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