Which is better for your hair, baby shampoo or regular shampoo?

Answer #1

i don’t think it really matters, just baby shampoos might cause a little more friz in your hair depending on your type of hair.

Answer #2

I use regular shampoo and it works really well on my hair. I guess it depends on the type of hair. Pantene and dove are good brands for damaged hair.

Answer #3

i love pantene! lol.

Answer #4

The best shampoo is an organic one that conatins no placental, parabens or phthalates. As they are all known cancer causers.

Answer #5

baby shampoo is alot milder than regular shampoo…thats why its made for babies because they have very sensitive…well everything. just use regular shampoo unless your scalp gets extremely red and itchy. then if baby shampoo doesnt work for that either go to a dermatoligist, he/she ill prescribe something for you.

Answer #6

Baby shampoo is better for sensitive heads and has way less chemicals. I wash my hair around 6 times a week, nearly every day (just a habit) and because of this I use baby shampoo most of the time so I’m doing much less damage to it then by using other high street brands that have tons of chemicals.

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