What do you guys think of the USA?

Answer #1

It has been good to me so far. I was born in Puerto Rico and moved to the USA at 19. Some US States are more difficult to live than others and it would be hard to get a job or raise a family in those but if you want to work hard and if you do your research you can find a State that would be more suitable to your needs and move there.

Something that I don’t like about the USA is the way our government feel like we have to be the worlds police and mess around with other countries conflicts and spend trillions of dollars doing that. I also don’t like how much power religion have in this country and by that power they get to influence who wins elections and change laws that affect the whole and not just the followers of those religions.

Answer #2

Great nation, richly blessed by God…unashamed and very proud to call my home !!

Answer #3

Our fat neighbors :)

Answer #4

I’ve been to a few states and it’s pretty good although a lot of it starts to look the same after a while. It drives me insane that you have to add tax on top of the price of your item rather than it being included in the price - very confusing! Some areas are a little too religious for my liking but each to their own… Oh, and I don’t understand the point of Thanksgiving!

All in all, I do enjoy going to the USA =].

Answer #5

I love it.. MERICA!!!

Answer #6

Not a fan. I don’t like how they feel they have the authority or right to butt into other countries’ business. I dislike how they, in a way, have deemed themself the higher power to ‘help’ other countries. I don’t like how most people there, and I know personallyand have been to the states countless times, seem to be rather ignorant in the affairs of other neighbouring countries regardless being allies or having worked together. I dislike how its residents are overly proud, I fully understand patriotism but from what I personally have seen and heard it borders on arrogance. All in all I don’t like America as a whole though I do have many friends residing there.

Answer #7

I absolutly dispise the USA they can take there McDonalds and shove it up there own @$$ and GTFO of my country

Answer #8

This same question was asked like a week ago or something. Please refer to that one.

Answer #9

the governmenat will follow every move you make you do one thing wrong they will hunt you down other than that its ok

Answer #10

I love the USA. Wouldn’t wanna live anywhere else. Land of the free. Home of the brave.<3

Answer #11

Canadians can say what they want about the US, but our military protects them because they have no military of their own, so to speak. They obviously don’t want to invest in one, they would rather rely on us.

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