What do you guys think about facial piercings?

Answer #1

I don’t care for them at all myself ;)

Answer #2

As long as it isn’t overly done I like them. The only facial piercings I’ve had were snakebites and a nostril piercing. Not at the same time.

Answer #3

I don’t really like them, but that’s just my opinion.

Answer #4

I like them.

Answer #5

cheek, chin and mouth piercings look ugly imho

big piercings anywhere look ugly in general

Answer #6

They used to be cool and rebellious back in the punk days.. then they went away, then they were made cool again about 7 years ago… now they are overrated and everywhere. I think they look trashy on most people just cause everyone has them. Just my opinion though.

Answer #7

Hey as long as it doesn’t hurt me then go ahead, some of them I wouldn’t recommend wearing to your job only because most say you can’t wear some of them, and some of them look very painful

Answer #8

it looks good on some ppl not all.

Answer #9

Cant stand the look of a piece of metal hangin of someones face…to me its like self harm…vandalism…dis respecting your own self…Not for me thanks.

Answer #10

Depends on the piercing and the person, but for the most part I love them.

Answer #11

As for looks, I don’t mind them on other people. Like on the nose or anything, but to me they tell about one’s personality and it is somewhat shunned in modern society. So not many people approve of them, regardless how much better or prettier you look with them. Because there is a lot of symbolism and a rebellious side to each one specially were you put it. And yes I also understand that it is in a way some form of modern art. That’s what I think about the appearance perspective. . As for, would I ever recommend someone in getting one? No. For the simple fact that it changes the status quo of your face, and it’s just in someway like makeup. But most importantly I wouldn’t recommend someone to get one, is because the fact that many jobs and many workplaces look down upon that. So look at the consequences of them in the long run. . Like think about how people see you, if you don’t mind them coming up with their own opinions, then go ahead.

Answer #12

I personally like them as long as one doesn’t go completely overboard.

Answer #13

i dont like them..they should only be on ears,and some girls can pull off belly rings

Answer #14


Answer #15

I like them, although I personally wouldn’t be interested in getting a piercing on my face. Some facial piercings can really suit a person.

Answer #16

I like most of them, as long as they’re not too big.

Answer #17

On some people they are ok. Monroe piercings look fine but it is actually one of the more problematic piercings. Inexperienced piercers could hit the large artery supplying the lip and piercing through the tough obiculis oris can be painful. The inside of the stud can also damage teeth and gums. Not really a fan of eyebrow piercings. Nose piercings can look on on certain ethnicities but to me they seem very affected on Caucasians.

Answer #18

As long as people don’t overly do it; cluttering certain pots, then yeah it’s fine by me.

Answer #19

I think facial piercings can be really classy, badass, and pretty all at the same time. My suggestion is to keep it simple. One or two facial piercings at a time at the most. My favorite combination is nose stud and a lower lip piercing off to one side.

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