Greasy hair at the roots?

I wash my hair every day and the other day I decided I’d try some new herbal essences stuff for dry hair because mine is really damaged and fried basically.

So I wash my hair with it and the tips are nice and soft but the roots are really oily and horrible.

I’ve not used it since and I went back to my old shampoo and conditioner but it won’t go away.

What is it/why did it happen & most importantly, how can I get rid of it?

It’s never happened before :s it’s really strange

Answer #1

you sure it wasnt conditioner ?? cause herbal escenses theyre not always obvious which is which, I’ve made that mistake before

Answer #2

you can use tea tree oil. Some shampoos actually dry out the scalp which causes it to only produce more oil. I’ve actually also found herbal essence to do that to me as well. I found this website and used it to help me. see if it helps you

Answer #3

Try baking soda and water and use that as your new shampoo. Your hair has been taught to replace oils quickly because normal shampoos strip the hair of its natural oils. Your hair WILL go through an adjustment period and overcompensate because it needs to readjust to not being stripped of oils. Give it a week or two (mine adapted in 5 days) and wash your hair only every other day, then go to every two days and your hair will be much healthier (you can still shower everyday and just use water to wash it on your non-shampoo days) You just need to give it time. btw it is One tablespoon baking soda to one cup water

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