What should we do about our corrupt government?

What should we do about our corrupt government?

Answer #1

rnealw, are you really suggesting that christ would condone capital punishment?

And don’t give me life in prison at taxpayers expense crap. It costs much more to try a capital punishment case than it does to keep a convict in prison for life.

So that leaves the only reason for capital punishment is vengence. But even the old testament has god saying “vengence is mine”.

Answer #2

I care more about the Family of the victims and the Victims. Also Capital punishment is biblical believe it or not. And at present 35 out of 50 states have the death penalty, you can read here what crime are given this punishment. http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?did=144&scid=10

Answer #3

I must agree with you Mjax. . . . The coruption is insane.in many other countrys I think the reason everyone thinks it is so bad over here is the Media ( the true power behind the U.S.) Jimahl. . . He is seeking an Appeal. . . . He is seeking life in prison at the Tax payers expense. .

Answer #4

And why would I want to cheer him on? I feel no compassion for the man. I feel sad that we as a country practice capital punishment, and you as a good chiristian should too.

There is a big difference between coddling prinoners and murdering them. Murder is wrong, no matter who is doing it, or what the reason is.

Answer #6

Of course Obama’s coat tails will increase the dems ranks in both houses. I think the Reps are going to be decimated this fall. So with less republicans, we will have less corruption. And with an attorney general with some actually integrity, the pols will be very wary about their dealings on the hill.

Answer #7

The same question has been on the lips of mankind for at least the last 400 years. . . . And all we get is new corrupt government to replace the old ones. . .

Answer #8


nwod tignirb ot woh no yaw a wonk yllautca thgim em but it’s realyl not worth the hassel just move or something lol

Answer #9

Sadly, I don’t believe much can be done about the level of corruption in our government. The world of politics has never been able to completely escape corruption. I do believe the level of corruption in the US government is much lower than many others I’ve seen, especially in the Middle East and Africa. It’s almost impossible to get anything done in that part of the world without massive bribery.

Answer #10

Well I think the death penalty is a little extreme. I do believe corruption should be punishable much more severley than it is now. While I was being a bit hyperbolic, I do think that it is not as dire as you say. I think Obama is a breath of fresh air, and is a different kind of politician. And John Edwards would make a great AG. He will not be afraid to take on big business and their influence peddling in DC.

Answer #11

our corrupt government is beyond repair. I wish it was as easy as jimahl says. my theory is this. I belive any scandal or corruption for personal gain should be considered as treason and punishable by death. they have been given the honor to help take care of the American people, any abuse of such a privilege should be considered treason. politicians do what they want because everyone knows ploiticians don’t go to jail. second theory is to ellect more well qualified independents.

Answer #12

Yeah I know all about texas. That is where Bush developed his bloodlust for death.

Answer #13

Well I think the death penalty is a little extreme. Good thing you don’t live in Texas. . .

Answer #14

And what are you ging to do about The House of Reps. and the senate?

Answer #15

Elect Obama to the presidency, and have him appoint John Edwards as attorney general.

Answer #16

Then you should be studying this in History in the next couple of years.

Answer #17

im only 15

Answer #18


Answer #19

Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy!

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