Why is Google Chrome so much faster than Internet Explorer?

Answer #1

Cause it is newer and probably has a higher rpm speed

Answer #2

Cause Google Chrome Kicks @$$ Lol

Answer #3

I know right? :)

Answer #4

Google Crome is packed with “junk” used to track your every move on the net. Just because it is “new” doesn’t mean it is better,,, even though I think Internet Explorer is garbage also. I use Firefox and am quite pleased with it’s functions.

Answer #5

The javascript rendering engine. Also, IE is tied into windows core, to update the OS, etc…b/c that was how they got around the lawsuits saying that it had to be removed.

Safari, Firefox, are also both much faster than IE, as is Opera.

Supposedly, the new IE 9 is faster than anything else on the market…but, I’m suspending judgement till I can actually get some real world people saying that, instead of Microsoft PR.

Answer #6

… I Still Agree With My Earlier Statement

Answer #7

xD Lol OMG Do You Have An Igoogle?? It’s Epic!! It Has Youtube, Jokes, News, Games, Cartoon/Comic, Gmail/E-mail, You Name It All On 1 Page!! And There’s Not A Single Slow Connection!! Epix Huh?

Answer #8

Becoz its a google Browser and Google Is The BEST

Answer #9

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

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