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Follow the rules and just be nice and pleasant. :)
Upload a picture, users with pictures have more friends and generally more answers to their questions. Be nice and give helpful advice. Read the terms of use and learn the rules. Read the faqs it will be a liifesavor and answer alot of questions about the site. People who speak in proper english and dont use slang and type like their ten…get more help and friends also.
Do new users get to choose their UserName? - 6 Answers
because i noticed alot oftheirs are the same..
how do I send an email to another user? - 1 Answers
how do I send an email to another user? im new at this and not sure if they will get it..I might miss a step.. thanx !
How do you write a tip...I can't find anywhere where it says "write a tip", or anything? - 5 Answers
I seen Colleen's tip, and I know you go to More>tips to see them, but how do you write your own?
How do I find out if my answers were any good? - 1 Answers
I'm new to the site, and was wondering how I go about finding out if my replies to questions where any good, or what the outc...
How can you find some real good friends on funadvice? - 3 Answers
How can you find some real good friends on funadvice?I'm looking out for some!
New Widget! - 1 Answers
That's cool! When you search a question there's a new thing that says "Words people used to find this Question!" Something ne...
new to this - 2 Answers
I am new on here and I do not know how to add friends yet some one please help
How do we add a tip? - 5 Answers
I keep trying to find a way to add a tip to someone's page to see if it's possible, but the only tip I see is Colleen's tips....
Groups section, what does it mean when it says: new replies? - 2 Answers
In the groups section, what does it mean when it says: new replies? I wasn't quite sure. thank you for answering!
I noticed a new category for this site - 3 Answers
I noticed a new category for this site. I think writing and literature is a interesting category. When did this category get ...
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