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idk. cuz they attract guys…..???
To feed thr babies
to feed their babies
God belive it or not, gave us these “parts” as functions of the body and also as sexual pleasures. Sex isnt supposed to be this tabooed subject that kids cant hear about. its supposed to be asign of bondage between two loving souls. And breasts are part of that equation.
lmfao………..i think shes right
Every giving birth creatures have breasts in order to be able to feed their young before they can stand on their own. It is something natural, I guess.
because the female hormone,mainly oestrogen, promote breast development and oestrogen isn’t found in men.And in Female breasts it has the mammary gland,this gland produces milk so we’re able to feed our young.
Girls have mammary glands in their breasts, and those glands are used to produce milk for a baby after a woman gives birth.
To feed babies.
So they could keep their distance from men.
it aint workin!
to feed their young, pretyy much all female mammals have breasts or teats. they prouce milk to feed their babies and help them grow.
To feed their babies.
Evolution by natural selection. Since time immemorial men have been foolish to allow women to take control of moving vehicles.
Eveolution has seen fit to provide them with built in air-bags.
Of course not, it just draws us closer
feed babies and they are fun to play with (;
it holds milk for their babies, it is some natural thing….. kind of annoying though,
Another type of men I like… LOL
dumb question… grow up man…
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Breast Surgery Clinic
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