What makes one girl stand out amongst all other girls?

Answer #1

If they’re loud and confident. But I personally would be yourself and not be who you aren’t

Answer #2

well it depends on what y you are trying to stand out. if your just wanting some attention a change of wardrobe is in order but if your (and I assume this is the case) trying to stand out and meet some one be out there don’t be afraid to flirt, be nice, and if u meet a guy you like let him know you like him. Us guys are stupid a girl can send little signals all night long and a guy may never pick up on it. the Taboo practice of a girl making the first move is no longer a taboo practice. and above all else like Daisie said be your self if you have to change who you are to get someone to like you do you really want to go out with that person in the first place. so my advice is go out there be your self flirt with guys you like the worst there gonna do is say no and in that case just move on and try again. I hope this was helpful and I wish you all the luck. -Will

Answer #3

idky yall assumed the question was about me, because it wasnt i was just asking in general. but thanks anyway (:

Answer #4

well in general assertiveness, personal respect, and dignity make someone stand out

Answer #5

standing out mostly comes down to being different. there’s the obvious physical stuff like figure and clothing, but sometimes it’s less obvious like confident posture and personality. also a more dominant member or leader of a group will stand out. confidence is big, and it’s mostly just feeling comfortable in your own skin. if you are unhappy, it shows.

Answer #6

TOO MANDYLOO: For your info i wasnt aggrevated. But now that you wanna say something smart i might as well you idiot. WHo the hell do you think you are MS I KNOW EVERYTHING. AND I HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS SO I CAN A PAYCHECK FROM FUNADVICE AND RAISE MY CHILD B8tch its called a f%cking job you lame as3 ugly hoe. How about you go suck a big ass black dck mandyLOOOOO With your no life self. So this is what you plan to do your whole life you stupi& A&s Ho???!!! haha your pathetic. Yeah alot of people will not agree with me because their scared their profiles are going to get deleted but go ahead i do not give a flying rats as& about this website bit7h

Answer #7

I usually dress the way I like to dress…my outfits are more punkrock and zombish. I’m weird… :)

Answer #8

i agree

Answer #9

Be yourself. Nothing better stands out in a crowd than yourself.

Answer #10

peacocking is a cool concept, dressing for attention. Just like Peacock’s use their feathers to get a mate. being loud and confident etc as the other guys already said, having ur own opinions on things, dont just share everything, and personally, i really get attracted to the “mysterious” quiet girl whos always in the background, know what i mean?

Answer #11

Yep, i know what you mean lol

Answer #12

haha, u seem like the party girl though, not even close of being that :D

Answer #13

i agree… these days no ones themselvs so youll be the one standing out

Answer #14

like people know who u really are, what is urself, do u even know?

Answer #15

or do u just say it cuz it sounds right

Answer #16

actually, im more of a homebody, but if i were to go 2 a party i wud have to be with a group of fwends.

Answer #17

party girls dont party alone anyways :P, so why are u asking this

Answer #18

I had saw this question on another site and decided to ask it on here to see what people had to say. Thats Why i was shocked when ppl assumed the question was about me.

Answer #19

haha, well do u stand out?

Answer #20

nope im the nicest, quietest most laid back person you’ll ever meet and im proud of it lol

Answer #21

baaaaaah, ur just saying that cuz i said thats what i like

Answer #22

No really i am … and to top it off ima bookworm lol,i dnt really like being centre of attention unless i feel comfortable with it.

Answer #23

lol bookworm, what do u read, dont say sth stupid

Answer #24

lol if im not writing books im reading stories on wattpad

Answer #25

writing? i bet u wrote “how to not write a book”

Answer #26

nope, wasnt me. but i should have thought of that!

Answer #27

if u dont think of easier and less creativity requiring stuff to write ur gonna end up heart broken

Answer #28

what do u mean?

Answer #29

people those days…

Answer #30


Answer #31

its getting too long, its looking like spam, what are u doing, ur so embbaresing jeez

Answer #32

Are you asking this to me? If yes, Then the answer is yes, I’m not saying it because it sounds right, I’m saying it because I know what being you self is like. I was fake once, I didn’t know who I was once too, so I do reconize that at some point I did not know what being myself was like. Now I know, it all took time and me exploring around me. But who knows, I’ve got a lot of life to live so I might change again as I go along, but truth is I’m happy of where I am and who I am.(: Hope that question was for me, if not diregard everything I said. :P

Answer #33

Lmbo omg it really is

Answer #34

when i remember a girl, its usally a girl that is energtic, happy and sinerly has a good attitude and since of humor. this is important because when i see that girl again i will go out of my way talk to her.

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