Can you and your ex really be just friends after a break up?

Even if they took some time off from eachother then decided to be friends. Whats ur opinion

Answer #1

Every single one of my ex’s and I still talk and get along. It is totally possible.

Answer #2

Are you two still together? And did you two get back 2gether right away or wait it out as friends then get together?

Answer #3

Every single one, thts cool and a gud thing!

Answer #4

If you break up on mutual, healthy terms then you are more likely to stay good friends as opposed to if somebody was ‘dumped’ (for want of a better word). Make sure that when breaking up with somebody there is no ‘blame game’ or anger. Just explanation and forgiveness.

Answer #5

why would tou want to be, obviously you couldnt stand them as a partner so why bother with them as a friend..thats my advice if you do the dumping, if they dump you then its the whole clinging on hoping they will take you back, nah best leave them be so you can both move on

Answer #6

yes, but it would take some time. my ex-boyfriend pulled a “lets just be friends” and i was like, okay. but then he didnt talk to me for 4 months. but we’re just friends now, and will stay like that :P

Answer #7

Yep! I dated a guy for 3 months, then we broke up, and now we’re best friends! I’m actually moving to Cali when I’m 18 to go visit him. I’m relatively good friends with all my ex’s :) So yes, it’s possible.

Answer #8

Nope….Unless there was no sexual interaction with the EX, then yes, friendship would be okay. But if, you slept with an EXs then definitely ‘no” as it would be too awkward for the current boyfriend or girlfriend to ‘hang out” with someone their girlfriend or boyfriend had sex with.

Answer #9

Lol I’ve slept with all my ex’s and we’re all friends >.< one of them actually slept over the other night lol. It wasn’t awkward ^.^

Answer #10

Hmmm, ok. Wait til you get into a serious relationship with a guy who only wants you for himself and gets a bit green-eyed if he has to share you with a ex, then come back and tell me, it is not awkward.

Answer #11

Not if you have had sex. This is not a joke.

Answer #12

I don’t know why this answer doubled.

Answer #13

I was sexual with three of my exes and we are great friends! We still hang out and theres zero sexual tension. Yet I was great.friends with all of them before we dated. we wanted differant things out of life and decided to be friends instead. We dated as teenagers so it wasnt because we were adults and mature. It really all depends on the people involved. So the answer is yes you can be friends with your ex.

Answer #14

dont think so

Answer #15

It depends on the person and how the relationship was and how it ended. If it was a rocky relationship that ended on a bad note, then no - obviously not….if the relationship was good, but you mutually decided that it’s best to be friends, then of course. My hubby and I are both still friends with some of our exes.

Answer #16

of course you can. my ex and i are really close friends now. its fun also to know that someone who knows you so well can be there to back you up. seriously he’s my best friend.

Answer #17

Я обезьяна. Вонь. Человек кота рыб двери. Bob. День обезьяны сыра. Вторник. Поскачите пинок танцульки бега спейте. \ высоко это в русском но ем действительно doesn’ t говорит что-нибыдь. я как раз хочу получить пнутым консультации потехи потому что он majorly всасывает и я ненавижу это место

Answer #18

Yes you are correct!

Answer #19

I believe so. I am friends with a lot of my ex’s and there is nothing awkward between us.

Answer #20

It depend if he/she was your first love. see you and your fist love may never be able to be just friends again. and if you have had sex or something it would be wired and you may feel a bit ocward being just friends. But if i was just a thing then you and your ex should be able to be friends still (unless he/she cheeted or did something stupid). I am proud to say i am still friends with all of my ex’s and i love it that way!

Answer #21

welp thrs at least two ex’s i can think of tht wr just frnds one of whom i hang with everyday…tht one was a complicated and messd up situation but i rly dnt think i cud ever date him again (or even rly the other one) but u just nvr kno…the other one was also a complicated situation but we sorta mutually broke up cuz we both met someone else…(im still with tht someone else to this day :-) ) but he and i r still frnds even if we dnt see each other too much cuz we go to diff sk’s. in the end tho, yes u can be frnds with ex’s but like others have said it mostly does depend on the situation of how u broke up and all….

Answer #22

it really just depends on the guy. if its the jealous type, hell nah.. if he’s the “i understand” kind, yeuh-

Answer #23

It depends on the situation. If a heart was broken in the process (yours or they’res) then it would be hard and take a lot more work than nesessary. but if it was a mutual breakup and ur feelings for each other weren’t too strong then a friendship would be completely possible… maybe even better than the relationship. anyway long answer short.. if no one got hurt… go for it! :D hope this helps!

Answer #24

It depends on the situation. If a heart was broken in the process (yours or they’res) then it would be hard and take a lot more work than nesessary. but if it was a mutual breakup and ur feelings for each other weren’t too strong then a friendship would be completely possible… maybe even better than the relationship. anyway long answer short.. if no one got hurt… go for it! :D hope this helps!

Answer #25

not if u were really in love with that person

Answer #26

its hard but you can do it ! .. it depends on you and him , if you both guys moved on then you both can be friends

Answer #27

Just because you break up doesn’t mean you can’t stand somebody. You can still be extremely important to eachother

Answer #28

I agree with aquaa22……I broke up with a guy..simply because we were too much like brother and sister to date. and my other ex’s..they were just too much of friends to be a boyfriend. People like you confused the h*ll outta me. There is no reason you and an ex can not be friends. It is extremely stupid. Unless you were never friends with the ex to begin with and you see that you and that person are not alike whatsoever and you can no stand to be around them…..thats just a different story. But if you were friends, you should alwaysssss stay friends. Dont let a stupid break up make you lose a great friend. Great lovers have to be great friends, but great friends do NOT have to be great lovers.

Answer #29

If it was a short on then no dont waist your time. let them be just a friend.

Answer #30

If it was a short on then no dont waist your time. let them be just a friend.

Answer #31

If it was a short on then no dont waist your time. let them be just a friend.

Answer #32

Maybe,but it will take time.My son is going through the same situation. He is still in love with his ex and she knows it so she uses it to her advantage.He is really hurting right now,and she wants to text him and call him all the time,but she says she is not in love with him. I told him he needs to break all contact with her.He needs to concentrate on himself and his kids and go on with his life.Like i said you may eventually be friends but you need time to heal.I wish you good luck!!

Answer #33

yeah. its not going to be easy and it might take some time toget used to the fact that things are different but it is possible to be friends with your ex.

Answer #34

ive had 5 long term relationships and im always good friends with all of them so its easily done..all of my boyfriends have been good break ups though not nasty ones

Answer #35

Yes you can. Sometimes having a relationship with someone can make you great friends…

Answer #36

I had this same question not too long ago….It took me time to actually feel comfortable arnd him. I literally had to ignore him for months and finally i was comfortable and we became friends.

Answer #37

no. but with time you can :)

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