What are some foods that are rich in iron that i can eat when feeling faint?

I was told by the er doctor to keep some snacks and foods in the house to grab and eat when feeling faint that are loaded with iron.

Answer #1

peanuts, grapes, spinach, bittermelon. =)

Answer #2

Iron rich foods are mainly your red meats, beans, and dark leafy greens….you can also get iron-fortified breakfast cereals that should help.

Answer #3


Answer #4

according to the Food Standards Agency 1 round of wholemeal bread has loads of iron in it other foods are: almonds dried apricots or raisins small bar of dark chocolate slice of gingerbread cake small flapjack boiled eggs figs lentils beans dried fruit, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds fortified breakfast cereals.

i hope you feel better mandy :)

Answer #5

Iron is found in most foods, but there are iron-rich* foods that will help boost your iron levels, especially during your pregnancy. :)


  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Turkey


  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Shrimp

Any types of beans will contain high levels of iron.


  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Bread


  • Broccoli
  • Turnips
  • Spinach

Any type of nuts.


  • Prunes
  • Apricots
  • Raisins

Hope this helped you out a bit. For a pregnant woman, you need about 30-50mg of iron a day. ;)

Answer #6

Eat some rockfish or mahi mahi

Answer #7

vitamin c helps your blood to absorb iron, so eating oranges and pineapples (or orange or pineapple juice) etc will make every iron rich food you eat more effective!

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