How can I find someone's location, if I have their IP address?

Answer #1

Depends how accurate you want the result to be, but you can feed the IP address into the following facility

and it will give a reasonable guide to the locality.

Answer #2

is it legal finding ppls IP to search there location?

Answer #3

No it is not.

Answer #4

how do u find the IP then?

Answer #5

Sorry I misread your question. It is perfectly legal to find and use someone’s IP address in order to determine their location.

Answer #6

a lot of people including myself use fake addresses a lot of the time cus we dont want certain places, ppl knowing who we are.

we all have a right to privacy :p

anyway i use geek tools, always have and always will..

Answer #7

how do u keep ur IP private?

Answer #8

srry i thought i put “illegal”..

Answer #9

With an IP address you cannot find the exact location.You can get the country of the IP user.Visit to know what details will get displayed if you search for a specific IP.The ISP details will also be displayed and if you approach legally to the ISP there are chances that you may get the exact location of the IP user.

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