How can I find a bra that I'm not having to constantly pull the front down?

Answer #1

Don’t buy one that just looks good on your booooobs. You might be buying them too small, because if your bra is a little smaller than you, then it gives them a little push up. Buy one that’s your real size. And if you are buying one that’s you’re size, then try sports bras. If it has metal under-wire, that might be the reason it’s lifting up.

Answer #2

maybe get a bigger size

Answer #3

I’m trying to picture in what sort of situation this could be happening and I’m having a hard time. Possibly your fitting is off. Go get measured. Make sure the straps are adjusted properly. And there are low cut bras. I prefer those because otherwise they stick out from under my shirt. Any store should have those. I suggest you talk to the ladies in the lingerie department. They will be able to help you.

Answer #4

yeah, probably too small in the number size.

Answer #5

I use push up bras but it seems I can never find the right size. I’m always having to pull the middle of the front down because it rides up over my breast.

Answer #6

That means you’ve got the wrong size. And possibly your straps arent adjusted properly. Get fitted. Try a couple of different sizes. That really shouldnt be happening no matter what type of bra you’ve got on.

Answer #7

Make sure you have one that is properly fitting, etc…this may help:

Answer #8


Answer #9

Go to your nearest clothing store and get measured, most clothing stores do have people who do bra measurements and assist you in finding the proper underwear for you. your bra pulling up sounds like it is too small and the straps are too tight. I think the best thing would be to start from the beginning.

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