What should I fill in as the "objective" in a resume?

Answer #1

What u plan to do and achieve on that particular job

Answer #2

well everything working together with other employes , coming to work on time, making money

Answer #3

Makeing customers happy, following company rules, and to do your job as descripted

Answer #4

And what u plan to contribute to the company as an emplee, and what u said to

Answer #5

don’t understand the question

Answer #6

That’s what it is you want to do…for example, if you are applying for a job as a cook, you would write something like “To obtain a position as a cook within the restaurant industry, and to develop my skills by training under a skilled chef.”

Answer #7

To be the best that you can be….bla bla bla

Answer #8

I’d write: “i want to make a lot of money”.

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