How can I get a truck-driving job with a felony?

I suffered a nervous breakdown and didn’t get it documented in time for court. I got probation, community service and a felony larceny. I am going to try to go back and appeal. The other parties involved had trumped up charges that weren’t true to hurt me, so I took a plea bargain. all I did was take an automobile from a dealership. Move it from one county to the next no damage was done. I turned myself in 3 days later. I never went to jail. they were going to say I was jacking and stripping cars. I never did anything like this before, I won’t ever go there again. how can I get a truck driving job with a felony and probation 6pm-7am? I can’t go over the road much less in the area to get a job. they won’t hire me with a felony and bad credit, due to an automobile accident that totaled my car and caused me to lose my job and credit. because the other person claimed it was my fault. it took months to get all 3 charges dismissed. by then I lost it over the accident and childhood abuse that was told to me before all this happened. I really need some help. Me and my wife are living in the dark, thanks to all this our electric was turned off on 11-29-06. we can’t afford to pay rent, turn the lights back on or anything. We are about to be evicted and have been looking for work with no one wanting to hire a felon-career truck driver. Can you give some helpful advice, if so please do. thanks.

Answer #1

I Got a felony 18 years ago./And have put a app. in with all kinds of trucking Co. and they want even talk to me. So getting a trucking job with a felony is going to be a real bad problem.even when they tell you as long as its not in the last 10 years .thats a crock to..

Answer #2

look man im going thru the same stuff I just got out school for my cdl and I have a felony that about three year old the best thing I can say have faith because I truely believe there a job out there for us there to mush stuff to be moved in the world for people like us not to have a job there this company I apply to call PI&I so far the company sound like they want to give me a chance there base in ohio number is 330-501-3991 good luck and keep your head up

Answer #3

these trucking companies will not touch a felon in anyway ,your best course of action is to purchase a truck ,get insurance and broker your way through ,keep filling out apps. because the president is getting the economy in order ,these same companies will be begging drivers ,any drivers ,especially felons who are more loyal employees to a company who embraces them also a special union should be put together foe x felon rights and this issue needs to be brought before the supreme court it is unconstitutional to be discriminated on as a felon , x felons should file lawsuits against any company who refuses to hire them ,its a long shot if any ,but the nation will have to address this issue and companies need to be stood on by the federal goverment and forced to hire a set amount of x felons every year. when you are a felon make them tell you no follow up on yor app. make calls to the company ,make them tell you no ,then make them tell you no again by someone on the company board, then file a lawsuit. if your an out of work felon then you should be familair with countless hours in the law library ,bottom line stop complaining and get proactive they will settle out just to hush you up,make them pay you one way or another.

Answer #4

My boyfriend is getting out in a couple of years and has his hopes set on driving trucks. He also has other experience in other areas but trucking is really what he wants to do. Now hearing how much trouble people with felonies that are years old can’t even get a job trucking I am worried for him. I don’t want to shatter his (our) hopes, and of course I will always remain positive, but he is the type of man who supports his family and I know he would feel horrid if he didn’t have a job for a long time after getting out. I think the “correctional” system is definitely messed up and huge changes could be made to improve actually rehabilitating people and correcting their behaviour since that is what prison is for. It is supposed to punish people, and make them realize their mistakes and change their ways, but when they get back out into the world there is almost zero support for people with convictions and felonies. Employers don’t look at the application and see a person ready to work hard and contribute to society and start making a new life. They just see the same person who did what they did in the past that the background check pulls up. I think they should ease up on people. Besides interviews are when people can get a better judge of character of someone but they don’t even bother looking at those applications. I myself was fired from a job (for something so ridiculous and stupid people don’t even believe me when I tell them) and I am a licensed pharmacy technician and I can’t get a job anywhere. Many people who get out of jail end up going right back in. That is why prisons are so crowded, and the reason is because when they try to return back to society they are rejected and they have to turn back to what got them locked up in the first place (these are usually people who went to jail for drug sales, robbery, theft etc.) because they have no other way to make money. Plus depending on their age and how long they were in prison they may be lacking in important education and skills that most people would consider basic (using computers, phones, internet).

I wish you all good luck and hope you find a job and keep trying to live a straight life.

Answer #5

does anyone know of any over the road trucking companies that hire with a 1 year old felony conviction.I been sear ching the net and a lot of companies show 3,5,7,20 year old conviction then will hire.I also have 10 years od safe over the road driving.any help will be appericated/thxs

Answer #6

If you can’t get a job as a truck driver, try doing something else, factory work, gas station attendant, McDonalds. Do something to help yourself out. Sometimes hard, thankless work leads to great places. Take care of your responsibilites and have an open mind. Good luck.

Answer #7

Cannot tell you whom you can work for. Certainly not the better companies.

The Texas Department of Corrections are offering CDL training to inmates before they are released.

Answer #8

I have a felony from 24yrs. ago and can’t get a job as a mechanic lately,eventhough I’ve been a solid productive person since.If I can’t work I might have to go rob a bank or something just to eat.Is the world gone frickin nuts?

Answer #9

damn, my felony got dropped, and I got 1 year probation, and cant find a job. HELP!!!

Answer #10

Most companies will lok back 10 years so look around,,try here,,, GOOD LUCK!!

Answer #12

If I had a felony 15 years ago does that prevent me from getting a job with the trucking companies?

Answer #13

Are you still looking for a driving job? Let me know if you are. I know a company in Arizona that will hire a person with a felony.

Answer #14

This is a very sensitive subject. Many people go to school, get their CDL License just to find out they cannot get job because of their criminal background. If anyone is looking to become a truck driver and has a felony make sure you don’t get fooled by a school promising the world to you. Check before you go to school to avoid a lot of problems in the future! Use free services to Pre-Screen your ability to get a job. I used > Pre-Screen Option. Its free and they tell you the truth about you being able to get a job!

Answer #15

well Im in a pretty messed up situation myself I got out of prison last year and now Im finally off parole . I got married to beatifull girl and Im soon to be a dad. Its tuff becuase my job now is only paying 10 an hour and its not enough but never doubt yourself. Im shure there’s companys out that look past your misstakes and gives you a chance… With faith you can do anything.. Im 23 and Im not giving up … best of luck to you all.. strenght and loyalty..

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