What's your favorite thing to drink, that's not soda?

Answer #1

Vitamin Water - blueberry and pomegranate. Its soo good.

Answer #2

Apple and Cranberry juice i cant get enough of it :]

Answer #3

Never tried that! :O

Answer #4

TEA. I love tea ^_^

Answer #5

Lol…I heard apple juice gives you the runs…?

Answer #6

I like tea too, my gf makes some kind of sugar-free peach tea, that is really good. :D

Answer #7

Lipton iced tea! or White chocolate Red-bull!

Answer #8

Plain ol ice water

Answer #9

Healthy! :)

Answer #10

well it hasnt happened to me :| maybe if you drank to much aha

Answer #11


Answer #12

chocolate milk. yum. i hate regular milk though. haha

Answer #13

2% or hole milk, or water. I can go through a gallon of milk a day on my days off if I don’t watch myself.

Answer #14

dang. thats a lot of milk. i bet you have strong bones. lol

Answer #15

Only ever broke on in my life :P. Should have probably broke more with all the stupid things I have done.

Answer #16

Chocolate shakes or Mocha Moolates from DQ :DD

Answer #17

haha same here. i fell out of a second story window without breaking anything. lol

Answer #18

ROOT BEAR!!! especially in a glass botle

Answer #19

Water:) untiill this yr I hated it now. I like it! And I like grren monster:)


Answer #20

Water. It’s basically all I drink unless we have soda.

Answer #21

Since you said no soda, then I pass. Root Beer is most of what i drink.

Answer #22

water, gatorade, iced tea, green tea, malibu :)

Answer #23

V8 Splash or green tea :)

Answer #24


Answer #25

Soy milk vanilla flavoredd :D

Answer #26

root bear? haha nice.

Answer #27

ooh and Dr.Pepper

Answer #28


Answer #29

Patron!!!! Fool u know that

Answer #30

haha Patron all the way!!!

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