What to do with my fast cousin?

Ok my cousin is 15 and she has a boyfriend that I really don’t approve of, and to me shes like my lil sister because her dad is incarcerated and her mom isn’t really around.So school started last Monday and shes already into big trouble. Her and her boyfriend got caught skipping and smoking weed at the back of the school, and this year I told her I ain’t having that shes been suspended and sent to alternative school too many times before, so I just wanna know what should I do about her because she really is getting worse each day.

Answer #1

Hate to tell you - theres not much you can do. You arent a parent and cant discipline her which she needs and has needed for awhile, and at 15 she has that teenage invincibility complex where she thinks she can do anything and not deal with the conseequences. You can talk to her but dont expect it to help….

Answer #2

unfortunately there isnt really much you can do…its really not up to you to take responsibility for her. Unfortunately its the responsibility of her parents as legal guardians to make sure she is in a good, safe, environment & if not child services can & will be brought to the circle here if she keeps this up! A school is willing to put up with so much til they do what they need to do if they feel that their is no legal guardian making sure your cousin is doing what she needs to do like better in school & messing with that weed is a clear cry for help! you cant give her that help…you can how ever inform her that if she continues to behave this way she is going to risk her entire future…i mean leave the fact that she is going to screw up her education & not be able to get any decent job once kicked out of school(and by god i promise you she keeps this up & she will be kicked out of school!) on the streets working a job that pays 7 dollars an hour or none at all! Policies for a job…filling out a form, they have very strict rules about weed testing…they have the right to ask you for a urine sample when ever they see fit…and one fail on the test(meaning a positive) and no more job! So, that would be case scenario number 2 from this whole thing!

Ask her if this is really what she wants for her future…to wind up like her father…because if she doesnt decide to shape up & change her lifestyle that is what is going to happen down the road…no ged…no job…no money wind up on the streets…if god forbid any worse then that….:( (scares me just to think about it because I have seen way too many friends wind up like that only to wake up when its too late and have a really hard time landing any job due to their past…of violence, caught with weed to make a buck…and because of a record, messed up their entire future & had to grow up in foster homes!)

that is the life that comes with the territory!

I hope & pray to god that you are able to talk to her & make her aware of this…its now that she has to come to terms with changing her life for the better…time to wise up & make a new fresh start…get her some help from a guidance counselor…social worker something…because you alone, might get through to her, but she needs the right tools you dont have to provide her with the right help!

please try to find out where she can get help…and the best thing you can do for her is to get her the right help she needs while holding her hand & putting her back on the right path!

I wish you luck!

Answer #3

All you can really do is make sure she get’s caught when she is doing something bad. Even though she is your cousin and you love her, she needs to face consequences. So next time you catch her, tell a teacher or adult so that she gets in trouble.

Answer #4

im 15 and alot of that goes on with alot of people i know so dont worry its soooo commen. lots of people at 15 smoke up, hav bfs, skip, not that its inexcusible but your not alone so ur probly not the only one freakn out bout it. shes probly not guna change any time soon but wen she gets out of high scool it will change.

Answer #5

She can be saved, I did it. You just gotta be a good role model and positive influence. I have a fatherless friend two years younger than me who was making all a manner of bad life choices not unlike your cousin, but after several years of exposure to me I have subtly set him straight. I think he even recognizes it because he now jokingly refers to me as ‘dad’. You just gotta do the right thing and cold act ill, and hopefully she will catch on.

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