Would you do 'eye for an eye' or peace if someone splashed water on your face?

Answer #1

It depends. If they did it by accident I’d be okay but on purpose I’d splash back & probably pour something down their shirt.

Answer #2

Depending upon the circumstances. Best case scenario, maybe. Worst case scenario, Black their eye.

Answer #3

Not normally an act to ‘get your panties in a wad’ over…..

Answer #4

it will be ‘eye for an eye’ because may be it not an intentional thing. and if is an intention, I will forgive the person for may be oneday he/she may be the one to help me in future

Answer #5

Depends. If someone wakes me up by bplashing a cup of cold water on my face, they’re DEAD. If someone splashes me with a water gun, I’ll get myself a water gun and scream. “WATER WAAAAR!!!” If someone tries to carry a glass of water and trips as they walk barefeet into one of my sons nasty feet-killing lego blocks and then accidentally splashes my face.. I’ll help them clean the floor..

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