Do you exercise your right to vote?

If you do, great!! If you don’t, why?

Answer #1

I vote everytime I can

Answer #2

i dont vote at all. i aint even registered. don’t bother me in the least bit

Answer #3

Well you know, a right that isn’t exercised sets it’s self up for being taken away. Kinda like workin out the muscles in a person’s body, “use it or lose it”

Answer #4

Where I live it’s compulsory to vote. If you don’t you get a fine.

Answer #5

I have not voted but i plan to this year. Im not sure who yet. I havnt in the past because honestly i dont know these people and the world is so corrupt as it is. I have a hard time trusting any of them.

Answer #6

I dont wanna vote for someone hardly knowing what they stand for. I have to do my research.

Answer #7

I don’t. I just have never cared enough about politics to bother, really. Everyone tells me it’s better to just go vote for any party rather than none at all, but that doesn’t really make logical sense in my head.

Answer #8

I do. All elections I have been eligible to participate in.

Answer #9

Although last presidential election I felt like they where asking me which foot to shoot myself in when trying to choose between the two major parties. I think I went with a third party candidate.

Answer #10


Answer #11

I am finally 18… so yes

Answer #12

The last 25 years - every primary (but 1) and every general (but 1).

Answer #13

Right on.

Answer #14

I understand that. Have voted for third party before and realized right after that I just threw my vote away. You have to make a choice and be thankful that we have one (to a certain degree)

Answer #15

I feel bad not exercising my right since so many people have sacrificed so much for me to have this right. But I feel that none of the candidates really care about me as a voter, so I don’t vote because I really don’t think it helps no matter who get elected. In my opinion candidates are more concerned about themselves than the people they’re supposed to represent. That’s just my opinion though.

Answer #16

Everyone shud vote if they can

Answer #17

There you go, research and a decision. You want to exercise your right and participate in the process. The more participation, the better chance we have of keeping any right.

Answer #18

Wow, so that’s not a right but rather a requirement.

Answer #19

Yes, I do. Whatever needs to be elected, whether it is the German Bundestag, the European parliament, my towns mayor or the federal states Landtag…

I always go there and try to find the “lesser evil” on the ballot card. In the last couple of year, I have been unsure whether the “lesser evil” exists though. I only found “great evil” and “greater evil” on the ballot card…

Answer #20

You outta exercise your right dude and be a participant in the process just to show that having the right means something.

Answer #21

Indeed I do, though only in local election so far. I wasn’t old enough to vote in the last presidential election, but I will this November.

Answer #22

I think it’s because people who don’t vote often complain about the outcome so this way everyone gets a say.

Answer #23

yes i do apparently i hurt my arm and legs fr running its hurting:( _

Answer #24

Currently I’m too young to do so. But if I’m honest I don’t think I will when I am able to. There aren’t any politicians I think will make a good enough job to get my country back to where it needs to be. And if none of them deserve the job then I’m not just going to hand my vote out to the guy with better ad. champaign. Or the guy wearing the nicer tie. I do hope someone who’ll make a half decent job of it will be put forward for election by the time I’m 18, though. It’s a shame to waste an opportunity - even if it does only have a small impact, it’s an impact none the less.

Answer #25

Well I understand, but if you think of rights as muscles in the body, and if not exercised they get weak and can have loss of use. The same with the right to vote. The more people who exercise the right, the better chance of keeping that right and atleast being able to have some degree of choice. To me, even if I don’t like my choices, I will vote in the interest of helping all of us to keep the the right to do so by participating in the process.

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Answer #27 Hello My name is loveth, i saw your profile to day at this site and it was interesting so i would like to know more about you. It will be a pleasure to read from you, if you wouldn’t mind, you can email me in my private box at ) so that i can reply you quickly and also send my picture for you to know me. I want you to know that real love matters. I will be expecting your mail soon, kiss. Your lovely new friend, loveth

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