What is on everyones christmas list this year?

i love the holidays?

Answer #1

a new chi straightner cute boots diamond earrings :)

Answer #2

new lap top, new digital camera, clothes, more uggs, posters, itunes gift cards… thatss all i can think of right now

Answer #3

I honestly no matter how cliche it sounds love buying gifts for people more then recieving them.

Answer #4

I want to spend some time with my boyfriend like it was before i started working…. and be able to find a decent cheap apartment. But mostly all i want is some time with me and my boyfriend

Answer #5

There is an epidemic of counterfeit Chi flat irons. Ebay is swamped with them and many other vendors are.

Answer #6

Same here, I love buying gifts for other people, I put heaps of thought into it haha

Answer #7

I’d like a chalkboard for in my room haha

Answer #8

omg u shud get chalkboard paint its so awesome

Answer #9

Yeah, I had some but it’s really hard to paint over If I ever moved house :| So I want a huge board haha

Answer #10

Money. By Christmas I think I’m gonna make sure to get my Funadvice money and go shopping. I’ve been looking for more jewelry, some clothes, lace handgloves, etc. That sort of thing

Answer #11

I think I’m looking foward to going back home :)

Answer #12

A portable iPod charger and a nice duffle coat. Though I don’t expect either because my parents are already taking me to disneyland. :) I can’t wait.

Answer #13

A fixed mp3 player would be nice.

Answer #14

I dont have a christmas list. I will buy gifts for other people, but I really dont expect other people to give me anything. Recieving presents just isnt a very important thing for me at christmas time, I am happy just to spend some time with my family

Answer #15


Answer #16

wow i heard of that. that sounds real cool!. one my friends wants that for her room

Answer #17


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