Whats your favorite Holiday or Time of year?

Whats your favorite Holiday or Time of year? Mine is Christmas!

Answer #1

I like this time of year, and Thanksgiving. November and December are busy and stressful for me and my band, but it’s our favorite because we tend to help more people this time of year than any other time.

Answer #2

ya I like christmas, but it’s 2 cold, my fav is probably Easter and New years!-PARTY!-lol, but ya christmas is like the most important holiday ot the year, and Easter. oh ya and Earth day, ps. my b-day is on earth day.

Answer #3

this time..I love the..the atmosphere…the way everyone puts themselves out that little bit more for each other…

and most of all, seeing peoples faces when they get the present they were really after!

Answer #4

christmas and sometimes valentines day .

Answer #5

Christmas.. three words 2 discribe it beautiful magicial wonderful

Answer #6

Christmas all the way!!! My birthday is on the 25th :P

Answer #7

Definitley Christmas!

Answer #8


Answer #9

I love Halloween and Christmas. Everything about Christmas just seems magical.

Answer #10

I loveee christmas…because of family and CHOCOLATES lol and Christmas dinner of course.

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