Answer #1

no no no no no no boo christians yay EEEMMMOOOSSS

Answer #2

yea lol

Answer #3

emo means emotional. most emo are just really deep people who want to express themselves. emo doesn’t necessarily mean you cut yourself. I’m a Christian and a lot of my friends call me emo even though I don’t think I really am myself. well, that’s my opinion. = )

Answer #4

Well it depends on how you define emo tbh, there are so many differences so you can have christians that have emotic tendacies or styles or whatever, it all comes down to how you define emo :) xox

Answer #5

emo is not just a dress code, if you were emo and a christian, then you would kind of be contridicting urself,

love thy neighbour, thou shalt not kill and all that, if a christian emo cuts them selve then they are contridicting themselves

Answer #6

I mean the ones that dont cut them selfs

Answer #7

oh I no no…lol im just saying if theres people that are like christain but have that sytle I was just wondering.. im just christain though… :)

Answer #8

yeah lol I like there style but some of them are bad… so I don’t know… I have a soft spot for them.. there hairs pretty cool too.. it looks animeish.. ^_^ I used to like an emo but he was kinda bad I wanted to some how get he to be you no christain I loved him so much.. his was so sweet..

Answer #9

im sure there are seeing as though religion and a sterotype are two completely different things howevere majority of the kids who talk about emo and majority of the kids who cal themselves emo still dont know what the word actually means

Answer #10

Christianity doesn’t have a particular dress-code…

Answer #11

sorry I accendentlly put this in politics…

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