Emo and goth

Whats the difference between emo and goth?

Answer #1

Unfortuanlty majority of the people who talk about emo and majority of the kids who call themselves emo still have no idea what the word actually means Emo is nothing more than a style of dress and a genre of music it has NOTHING to do with cutting (self harm) depression (a mental disorder) suicide, eating disorders, ect because feelings and emotions play NO part in any label or stereotype which is what majority of the kids who talk about emo and majority of the kids who call themselves emo still don’t understand as for goth, they just wear black, with a few other colours, they do NOT worship the devil, religion has NOTHING to do with any sterotype and they dont have anything to do with cutting, depression, suicide, ect

Answer #2

goth is completely difdferent than emo. I don’t know much about goth but as an emo kid, emo is all about emotional music it is a “sub-category” of goth but not the same. Emo people tend to wear women’s jeans (even males) and tight fitting tops with old tatty chuck taylor converses. The usually have long black hair with multiple colors in it with fringe swept across the face and spiked in the back. Goths on the other hand wear baggy pants with a bunch of chans and what not, and wear dark colors and are usually angsty but can be happy. There is a bunch more but the I described them as best as I could.

Answer #3

really the onlysimilarity is they both wear black goth people wer baggy clothes and listen to metal and rock and stuff in that genre and emos wer tight clothes are very emo-tional ( suposed to be but a lot of people look like emos but arnt really ) and listen to emo music :)

Answer #4

Both are very misjudged. Goths typically wear a lot of black, while emos typically wear tight things slim fit tees, skinny jeans, etc…. They’re make up is different goth seems to be a little more “dramatic” than emo. a lot of lies/rumors have been started about them, so please… don’t believe them. Everyone should honestly just be THEMSELVES and not worry about fitting into certain labels/stereotypes.

Answer #5

I hate this question as many people think they are the same, when they arnt, not even a little, maybe in the way they look, emo’s are peopel who are intouch with their emotions, but not nesicaarily someone who thinks about suicide, thats just something people class emo’s with. Now goths, are people who are normally very depressives, who wear mostly black, and believe life is quite pointless. someone who is not going to be seen at the local parties :) hope I helped you. now you should learn about scene people. x

Answer #6

I dont normally like stereotypes I just wanted to no lol I fink I no knoww, thanks :D

Answer #7

Also they have a way different style.

Answer #8

Goth people don’t worship God they worship the devil. (not all of them do though I am sure,) and emo people are just emotional.

Answer #9

Hi everyone, I would just like to say that I hate stereotypes, goth and emo can be very different but some people such as myself can be kinda goth and emo. Emos are alsmost always teens but goths can be any age. Emos usually wear tight chlothes and goths usually wear baggy ones, goths and emos can be great friends with eachother if they want to be, emos usually listen to calm non-mainstream music and goths more rocky metal music, goths like to express themselves through art and music and can see the beauty in things that most other people find gruesome and are open to talking about things such as vampires, death and both goth and emos can be either guy, lesbian, bi, or straight and probably most importantly they can both be happy friendly people and they just like expressing their emoitions in different ways.


Answer #10

Both are based off of music genres.

Many people will say that goth is about metal music and such. That is not true, the goth music genre is more like rock, with a softer sound and an eerie undertone.

Emo is more… Well, I don’t have as much experience with Emo music. [link removed]

Both emo and goth styles have a tendency towards black, but I’ve always found goth to be a bit… bolder. There are multiple kinds of goth and only a couple kinds of emo. Emo is primarily known for tight cloths (often jeans and a band t-shirt), and while goth occasionally does that too, there will likely be a bit more black involved. Goths will be less likely to hide their face behind their hair, because that would block their elaborate makeup from view and keep them from being properly able to absorb the world. Goths would much rather stand out than hide themselves from the world.

I hope this helps.

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