
I do wear bras but its embarrassing when my family know, I dont know what it is, I wear them at school and stuff but I vwant to get over my embarrassment. I need help.

Answer #1

melsted, quit being mean. aliciafranco1, what are you talking about?! None of that stuff works.

Being embarrassed of your changing body is normal, especially in front of your family who’s known you since you were born. You just have to realize that growing breasts is a part of life and so is wearing a bra. You may feel uncomfortable showing your family that you’re not a “little girl” anymore, but they know it’s going to happen sooner or later and there’s nothing you or they can do about it.

Answer #2

I dont understand what you are trying to say…but if your saying that you were padded bras to make it look like you have breast its ok becuase I do the same thing and I dont think its pathetic or looserish becuase tons of girls in all ages have the same problem with small breast. Heres a key to get bigger breast… Eat tons of chicken…,but if you see you are getting over weight then start doin situps,,and drink lots of water to get your body flowing … If you dont see anything happening in the next cuople months then tone up your breast by doin a couple push ups each day also before you go to bed squeeze your breast on the out sides after they heart massage really sofly and repeat these steps I know its a pain in the but but trust me it actually works..>>>!!! im glad I can help you woth your problem. when your done with that

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