Why does Edward Cullen sparkel?

Answer #1

Because Stephanie Meyer made him that way

Answer #2

He doesnt eat poeple he sparkels, he lives in the woods. hes no vampire. HES A FAIREY!

Answer #3


Answer #4

Cuz hes a f.ag who thinks hes cool. he needs some lessons from the Lost Boys

Answer #5

And your point is?

Answer #6

haha best answer!

Answer #7

she stole it from facebook ;D


Answer #8

You know it

Answer #9


Answer #10

YES I DID! =p ps btw. not stole, simply borrowed with out asking.

Answer #11

hehe =p

Answer #12

Borrowing something requires consent, lol.

Answer #13

He’s a Vampire. ( first of all ) That why you go team warewolf or team vampire. He sparkles cuz Stephanie Mayer made him that way ( like Katarina said) And cuz Vampires aresoppost to melt or do something when they meet sunlight And stephanie was a little more original.

Answer #14

twilight was created when stephanie meyer had a dream. her dream was actually the medow scene and edward was sparkling in the light,

Answer #15

was this not a legitimate question? i feel stupid..

Answer #16

Because he isn’t a real vampire? The whole story with the badly written books is degrading to imagination.

Answer #17

haha, dont.

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