How do teachers feel about Title I?

how do teacher feel about Title I?

Answer #1

well no child left behind is based on the idea of making schools perform at a certain level (determined by the state) for standardized tests in order to receive funding.

Now a lot of teachers may not agree with this idea because than they have to teach students specific skills that will be on a test rather than concepts that go further than multiple choice questions. So then they have to teach a test rather than their actual subject.

Also schools that do well and receive awards and cash for their good scores may actually want to push low performing students out!

A lot of teachers (ESL) may also be angered that non native speakers are usually made to take the english test despite its difficulty.

Also teachers may feel pressure to make all their kids perform at the same level when in reality, some students simply cant fit the state test standard.

hope that helped!!

Answer #2

Any given teacher may feel lots of conflicting ways about Title I. Even though the program has not been fully funded by the feds, a teacher would surely like the money for materials, supplies, equipment, and extra staff that Title I funds provide. The big deal is what’s implied by the notion that all students will perform at high levels of proficiency by 2012-2013. All students?!? No pluralistic society has ever done that. It’s a great thing to have as a goal, but let’s recognize that it’s like setting the goal to put a man on the moon. It ought to be funded adequately and have the support of the whole nation. As it is the high stakes testing required by No Child Left Behind (Title I) teats schools and teachers as failures if their students don’t make AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) towards 100% proficiency. That makes teachers feel that lawmakers don’t understand the difficulty of their jobs and the challenges that some of their students face.

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